Aeolian Dreams by Bobbie Jo Curley

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Aeolian Dreams

Some of the most mesmerizing sounds

come from such diverse elements as those that are

 combined on this recording


Imagine oneself on a mountain plateau with playful winds

caressing the string of a harp


I find great joy listening to my instrument

as it resounds the finger of the wind


I was certain that others would feel the same

hence this path was born


This recording seeks to enable to the listener’s ability to

 go within and without; exploring, through meditation,

a vast realm of feelings…

open and pure


The weaving journey takes you through forests with

Celtic Harp and Wind along Rivers and Ocean Beaches

 whilst various Flutes, Drums and Percussion

Blend and dance


I played all of the instruments except for the Harp…

I let the wind play her

Aire Play

Hall Glass Flute, Harp in the Wind

Mayan Dream

Mayan Bass Flute and Harp in the Wind

Apache Spirit

Apache Flute, Harp into River & Falls

Distant Cousins

Peruvian Flute, Mayan Flute and River

True Love Song

Native American Cedar Flute by a river

Forest Dance

Apache Flute by a river

and Harp in the Wind

Wind Song

Apache Spirit Flute,

Harp in the Wind

Call of the Ancestors

Mayan Bass Flute,

Harp in the Wind

Moon Rites

Cedar Flute

Harp in the Wind

Sailing to Scarborough

Bamboo Flute



Djemba, Dumbek, Digderadoo,

Rain Stick & Ocean

Angel Voices

Harp in the



Hauntingly beautiful Mayan black bamboo flute


In the Breath of the Wind, upon an ocean of Tranquility

Speaks our Ancestors...

Through the Realization of our True Nature

We come to be at One

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