Now that project 2025 is in full tilt boogie and
we are now
a Christian Nationalistic country…
This leaves millions of us that still hear the Spiritual calling
to connect with a source of ‘Divine’ inspiration
that is not burdened with political dogma and distracting doctrines.
has an inherent ambition to connect with something that is
bigger than the ‘self’ they perceive themselves to be…
To connect to the Grace that’s bigger than the apparent world we live in.
Through my lifelong Journey of Spiritual Insights and philosophies,
I’ve learned along the long road
after transcending my Catholic roots…
I have fully recovered from my ‘Catho-haulic’ syndromes
I was duped into misbelieving.
If you feel at all compelled to search deeper than the
naive ‘sky god’ distractions that are part of the indoctrinations
our country blatantly subjects our citizens into
If you are ready for a more ‘adult’ perspective of
Grace, Divinity and our True Nature
as taught by all the reasonable NON-Theological spiritual traditions
that most of Americans never have the opportunity to at least investigate…
Please search Facebook for my new group:
Non Theological Common Sense Spirituality

I have written many books and countless articles…
But I’m not selling any of them here…
I offer all my life’s Spiritual philosophies for FREE…
As a service of Spirit.
With the chaos that our country is damaging the world with
and everyone in it…
Except for billionaires…
including those that ignorantly support the downfall of humanity
‘We the people’ need to find solace.

We need to find the strength to be brave and not crippled by
the overwhelming dread, personal devastation and guilt of being part of a
self-defeating country that is that is responsible for so much
unevolved unnecessary harm to humanity.
There is a way to compartmentalize the chaos our country is perpetrating
on each one of us and the world…

A way of being empathic and compassionate…
Without being crippled by those very same virtues.
This Spiritual Philosophy is certainly not for anyone, particularly
those that support the downfall of humanity
just for their political party to win.
It’s not for those that can’t let go of the child like naive
‘sky god’ perspective of Grace and Divinity.
An individual will naturally be drawn to the religion or spiritual perspective

that resonates with their level of psychological development
political propaganda programing

Those that have been on the edge of this paradigm…
Will most likely be feeling the push…
The call to look deeper in the ‘Eternal part of our True Nature’.
For those that have that feeling that there must be more to all of this
than what us American citizens have been indoctrinated to mis-believe…
If that calling can be heard…
Now, more than ever…
Now that the separation of church and state has become decimated…
It’s time to move out of our comfy zone of blind acceptance.
There is a better way!
A much better way!
This ‘Way’… is NOT an organized religion.
It is not any particular spiritual tradition.
It is simply… A
Non Theological Common Sense Spirituality
The ‘Path’ is as individual as each Being
that is born into this crazy world.
With just a few steps into this ‘Path’…
You’ll be able to compartmentalize this crazy world,
Be in touch with ‘this reality’…
And stay unaffected by the chaos of this life…
You can be brave, build strength, and not be crippled with compassion
so that you can find that inspiration to do what it is
that only you can contribute…
To help save humanity from itself…
Find salvation and solace in the beauty of life that is our Divine Right.
Please search Facebook for my new group:
Non Theological Common Sense Spirituality
Be Evolutionary!
Join, like and share…