Luv Stories of Maui Marital Bliss
Sweetheart, I can’t believe I get to become your bride, just days away.
As I think back to our beginning and to where we are today,
one thing is just an overwhelming truth.
Our love story was knit together by God,
from the moment our lives met.
As I journey back to that Nov. evening 2016,
I can distinctly remember calling my sister asking her
what I should wear for our date.
Then saying, well…I’m just going to be myself.
He’ll either like me or not.

When I opened my door, watching you walk up to get me,
I kept thinking
“oh he’s cute”…
then after hearing you talk and watching you that evening,
I was hoping you’d call me again because I was falling for you.
You were and are just such a gentleman,
in every essence of the word.
As I think over these 14 months,
I just appreciate who you are so much.

How you have an overwhelming calm and patience with Karson and accept her.
You see through her disabilities and love her.
How you show that expression of love for her means more
than you will ever know.
How you have patience with me and love me.
How you have opened your heart to my older children
and to my parents just floods my spirit.
You don’t control the relationships or get jealous;
you encourage them and want me to nurture them.
I love you so much for that.

I love, adore and am so proud of Tanner,
I love your dad, Vickie, those grandbabies and the entire family.
I wish so much your mom could see your smile.
See me honor and cherish her son.
I promise to love her memory with you.
I know you miss her.
I wish I could ring her up and ask how to make your favorite dishes.
I believe somehow there is a window
that does see your happiness from heaven.
I won’t let her down.
I’ll take great care of her son for the remainder of my days.

we have so much ahead of us.
I’m so thankful God saw to it that neither of us became
bitter or cynical from our last experiences.
We both had said to Him, protect my heart.
How tender is His goodness and mercies when we prayed that,
He said I’ll protect your hearts by placing it in the care of each other.
He loves us.
I’m confident those 20 plus years we missed together
He plans to make up with years of happiness ahead.
I love and Cherish you Gregory John.
You bring a peace, a joyful soul,
an overwhelming trust and honor to my spirit.
That faith in you, in us brings out the best in me.
You often say,
I’m gonna get older things won’t stay the same….
I just look into those piercing blue eyes
and see this window to your soul that says,
all your amazing characteristics I cherish,
those will never change or disappear.
I love everything about this man!
I’m in tears as I write my thoughts.
I’m going to be your wife!
Thank you for choosing to love me forever.
For loving my daughter, for loving my grown children,
my family, all my flaws honey….
thank you, God, for the blessing of marriage.
We will not disappoint you father.
We know and understand the sanctity of our union
and value our love you have woven together.
We choose to make you center of our lives God
and ask you to bless every decision and circumstance we may face.

Greg today, tomorrow and forever I’m yours.
I love you and promise you I will give you my sweetest words,
my kindest gestures, and my deepest love.
Let’s always make our love song our favorite music
and our melody our own,
and I can envision our harmony lasting for the remainder of our days.
I praise God for blessing my life so richly by enmeshing my spirit to yours.
We are One!
I adore you Mr France!
Love… Your bride to be.
Gregory John France
I love you and I adore you.
I think that I first realized that I loved you
when we watched Nacho Libre together over a year ago.
From that moment on,
I wanted to be with you every moment that I could.
You are the woman that I choose to spend the rest of my life.
I promise to always honor you and love you.
I will always put you first in my life with God as the head of our home.
I promise to always love OUR children,
to support them and to lift them up when they are down.
I ask God to support me in my desire to be a worthy husband of your love.
I can’t promise you that life will perfect or that we won’t have any disagreements,
but I can promise that you will be the most important person in my life.
I promise to always trust you with all of my heart.
I will always give you the best of me, my heart and my soul.
You are truly my best friend and I will never take our love for granted.
You will never have to face the world alone.
I promise to always be right by your side.

A love story that was knit together by God… and Nacho Libre – Blessing
Teresa wrote an absolutely Divine Luv Letter which ends with
‘We Are One’!
To contemplate the Spiritual Perspective of ‘Being at One with it All’…
It seems like such a lofty experience that we could only look forward to experiencing
once we are in the Eternal Bliss of Heaven
For those so Blessed that have found their Soulmate
There is a deep connection of ‘One-ness’.
Whether in the deepest embrace of Love… or 1000’s of miles apart
When you close your eyes, open your heart and embrace your Love
from the bottom of your heart to the depths of your souls….
There comes a point when there is no longer a distinction in your perception of
where “you” ends… and your Soulmate begins
To be ‘At One with each other’
Is a ‘non-duel’ perspective of the Divine, a taste of the Heavenly Bliss
most folks have to wait to reach Heaven to experience.
~ ~ ~
Our Loved ones in Heaven now, in a sense are
‘At One with it All’…
This is like that ‘window from Heaven’ which they can not only see our happiness…
They are ‘At One with our Happiness’ in an inseparable way.
~ ~ ~
Life is a journey of learning, soul searching, inspirations…
We are faced with challenges that range from trivial and annoying…
To thoroughly shaking the ground of our Being.
Each of our challenges offers us a door towards Transcendence.
The bigger the issue, the bigger the Transcendence.
As we grow older, we accumulate many experiences…
When we go through life with the Mindfulness of the Divine in our Hearts and Souls…
We tend to see the Divine in every experience in life.
There is much Divine-ness in one’s Being when
after going thru the ‘hell realms’ of life…
That instead of clinging to a bitter cynical perspective of past relationships,
carrying with them forever a tainted view of love…
A Wise Soul is one that has taken that rocky road of life for just what is was…
An opportunity to learn from,
Overcoming those challenges and Transcending to
a perspective of Higher Consciousness.
The 1st Corinthian’s scripture was inspired from
such Enlightened Beings and the
Luv Stories of Teresa and Greg
~ ~ ~
Greg stated:
“I’m gonna get older… things won’t stay the same”
And Teresa has the insights and inspirations to
Joyfully look forward to a Marital Bliss that,
like fine wine, will get better with age.
Those that are open to the Grace that there is,
Will gain Wisdoms from the experiences of life.
The Bliss of these Wisdoms ripen with age, allowing us to
Realize our True Nature
And Abide in the glory of Grace
Always having the full presents of mind,
Spontaneously enjoying each moment.
With humble gratitude, spontaneously radiating
Joy, Compassion, Equanimity and Unconditional Love
a contentedness arises that is not affected by
materialistic or conceptual distractions.
Be content in the ever-present moment
Enjoy the passing of time
And you will forever abide in Eternal Bliss…
Do this with your own True Love, your Soulmate…
And you will forever abide in Marital Bliss.

At Maui Marrying Man…
We fulfill your Heart’s Desires…
Within the comfort of your Budget