I have always been a strong believer in the freedom to worship
anyway one is inspired to believe.
This typically has been proven to be based on
how advanced one’s psychological development is.
Early man… cavemen… worshiped in a way that
made since to their unevolved perspectives…
the Greek god’s were slightly improved, but
based their projection of ‘god’ as being super egotistical…
Christianity, is a slight improvement…
They stop there at a naive childish projection of ‘god’ created by misogynistic men
with absolute power over other men and particularly… women.
All of this man made up belief systems were created when these misogynistic men:
Didn’t know where the sun went at night.
Considered women to be 2cd class humans.
Slavery was perfectly normal.
Believing the world was flat, and
The entire universe revolved around god’s chosen planet.

A psychologically healthy perspective is one that never stops
growing, learning and achieving higher states of consciousness.
most people fall victim to the mythic literal religions
that heavily discourage such ‘evolutionary’ pursuits.
I’m all for the freedom to live one’s life and devote their lives to
the religious or non-religious ways…
Even if they are a complete waste of time and a major distraction
from ever realizing the higher truths…
That’s their choice…
Divine Free Will…
Even if willfully duped into misbelieving false man made up dogmas…
As long as they do not harm others …
Now that we’ve become a Christian nationalist country…
They have violated the premise of Divine Free Will.
This is an abomination!

The Buddha devoted his whole life to the liberation of all beings
from the unnecessary pain and suffering in this life.
Most mainstream organized religions make the point that
pain and suffering is part of this life.

If you follow their dogmas and doctrines…
You’ll have a chance at the glory of sitting at the feet of an
imaginary sky god for the rest of eternity…
but only AFTER you die a miserable death in this life
Buddhism does not tolerate the Christian practice of “petitionary prayers”,
One is simply encourage to find the volition to do the ‘Right Thing’.
The Buddha’s Noble Eight Fold Path outlines these easy to follow steps precisely.
Even though it’s clear in the Catholic ideology that pain and suffering is part of this life…
You are still encouraged to petition this imaginary sky god to do your bidding…
Oh please lord… remove the pain and suffering from my life…
Even thought I know it’s part of my life until I die
and get a ‘heavenly body’ and get to sit at the feet of our imaginary sky god’s feet…
unless I’m roasted and tortured for eons for some ‘sin’ I never noticed.
Please lord, make my team win.
Please put my co-worker in a coma so I can take their job.
Please lord, let me get laid tonight!
Add to that awful mix… biblical conspiracy theories.
Arks, Floods, walking on water, making wine from water,
Splitting the Red Sea… healing the sick, unless a woman does it…
Then they need to burn her as an evil witch in the name of an all loving “god”.
For millennia, people have gotten accustomed to being duped.
These duped morons have taken over our once reasonable country
And are pushing their fantasy projections on the rest of us.
Project 2025,
which started out an agenda created by the Heritage group
and got Ronald RayGun to implement those Christian nationalistic agendas
to solidify the gop’s power…
is currently now in full implementation.
It’s like the 3rd graders have taken control of the entire school
from K thru graduate school and making everybody worship some
naive man made up character like…
Sponge Bob square pants as our personal savior.
They all rant and rave about how much they’re into their projection of god…
But they could not be bothered to do anything to deepen their understanding
or connection to Divinity.
It’s insane to live in a country that is convinced that your crazy
if you don’t believe in an imaginary sky god.
You’re absolutely evil if you don’t believe in this make-believe belief system.
They say:
“There is only one way to ‘god’… (their imaginary sky god)
All other acts of unconditional love and kindness is evil”!

Their collective duped-ness just installed the ‘anti-christ’, or satin, and hitler
all rolled into one big ball of shit.
Our country and the world may never recover.
Since Christians collectively support
racism, xenophobia, gay bashing, anti-intellectualism and
the anti-compassion of being ‘woke’…
They despise diversity, equal human opportunity and
anything that helps society.
We are at the mercy of the brain dead and heartless billionaires they voted in
to dismantle every aspect of our government into a
fascist, raciest, mob of narcissistic ego power driven ass holes hell bent on
tyranny, oligarchy and psychotic demagogue politicians…
Of course,
Anyone with any brain waves still registering can see all that.
The question is:
How an in-depth Spiritual Philosophy Helps one to Live with the Chaos of this Crazy World
And that’s a good question in the dark light of how the spirit-less religions
have put us all in this perilous position that we very may not survive…
Being that our country is waging war against every one of us ‘we the peoples’…
Our closet neighbors, trusted allies and acting like mob bosses with our
mortal authoritarian dictators around the world to divide the world’s plunder…
The Christian nationalist’s ultimate goal is the ‘end of times’,
where god comes down and gleefully exterminates every
man, woman, and child of every species and
renders the earth uninhabitable forever…
Just as long as you don’t have an abortion before
“He”, all mighty misogynistic, all loving pro-life god
brings down this apocalypse for the glory of the duped ‘faithful’.
After over 2000 years of brainwashing lies and mythic literal psy-ops…
They have absolutely no critical thinking left.
No morals, virtues, common senses, common dignity
or anything that is essential to the sustainability of humanity…
In other words…
We’re screwed… in biblical proportions.
Christians don’t love unconditionally…
They only love other Christians, but,
Only the ones at their very own church…
Yet even there they are quick to point out the ‘odd ones’….
Shun! Shun! Shun!
They merely tolerate other Christians,
even from their own denomination.
The other 66,000+ denominations are to all the other denominations…
considered abominations.
Even those in the very same denomination,
but happen to be in another country…
Their xenophobic twisted mindset shuns them as well.
Christianity is not about unconditional love and unity…
It’s about dividing and disenfranchising all others.
This is the country we now live in,
and it’s official.

Now that I’ve briefly covered the tip of the iceberg of fucked-ness we are in…
The question is:
How an in-depth Spiritual Philosophy Helps one Live with the Chaos of this Crazy World
There are many facets of the ‘Path’.
Once past the early stages of:
“Right view”, “Right Thought”, “Right Speech”,
“Right action”, ’Right lively hood’…
The meditations deepen the ‘concentration’ aspects…
Along with first being aware of any distractions…
A skill is honed to acquire ‘one pointed awareness’.
Anything that is not the ‘object of meditation’… is ignored…
More precisely, it’s not ignored…
It just does not distract the ‘one pointed awareness’.
Potential distractions will remain in the ‘peripheral’ of awareness,
but will not distract focus on the chosen object of meditation.
It’s simple.
But just because it’s simple,
Doesn’t mean it’s easy.

This skill will stay with the aspirant whenever it is earnestly pursued…
it naturally becomes 2cd nature and then…
the ‘Insight” meditation begins.
It is the experiences during these ‘Jhana’ states,
the higher states of human consciousness in which
the fruition of achieving ‘one pointed awareness’ long enough is experienced.
The ‘effort’ to sustain that focus floats away and
an effortless flow comes into play…
There is a 100% surrender… a letting go…
that all physical and mental activity becomes ‘offline’… yet,
Everything is very comfortable.
No mental or physical distractions arise…
You can’t move, you don’t want to move…then,
All sense of there being a story we call this life… fades.
All sense of there being some tiny ‘me’ inside somewhere
that is the ‘Me’ that appears to be in control….
That feeling of there being that mini ‘me’ becomes…
Nothing during these sessions involve the analytical thinking mind…
Just a stray thought could disrupt the ‘flow’…
Train yourself to be aware when a distraction has the potential
to take your full awareness…
Just bring yourself gently back to focus.
There is a refuge here when abiding in one’s “Inner Stillness”
that surrenders into their “Inner Silence” …
a Boundless Spaciousness is all that is experienced…
and yet,
It’s even simpler than that.
During these Insight meditations…
The wordless Wisdoms are born…
But they can’t even be contemplated until a period after the session is over
from a few minutes to days later…
For me,
the Parvastha, the ‘after glow’… it feels like a rapture,
like the main flow is still going… about an hour later,
the wordless Wisdoms arise in a subtle ‘knowing’…
Perhaps as an acceptance of all things as they are,
as they arise.
Stay in a quite flow abiding in this perspective of “I Am”…
This is when the wordless Wisdoms soak in.
You are in love with what ‘Is’…
And you’re never disappointed.
You have achieved a sense of Equanimity that is unshakeable.
Every part of this ‘Practice’, requires one to
bring one’s attention exclusively to the object of meditation.
The chaos of the world is not invited to the ‘sit’.
In the Spiritual Philosophies…
Self-inquiry is the base of the ‘Practice’.
Once fully Self Realized… then your Enlightened.
It’s very easy to realize “you” are not your body, or any body part.
The brain is like a computer, the mind is like the operating system.
Our thoughts are just the results of this brain,
this body part nor its functions are…
This body/brain system is constantly taking in sensory date and generating thoughts
that may or may not help in the current situation.
Experience leads to instincts, they both contribute to decisions being made
at the unconscious level.
This is essential in our early hunter-gathering days…
But mostly, in modern times…
They just gang up with our ego and keep us from evolving
to the next higher level of consciousness.
This is what the ‘Practice’ is all about.
‘We’ must be able to get out of ‘our’ way,
so ‘we’ can fully realize our True Nature…
Our True Self.
Our bodies have been the result of evolutions since the latest Big Bang.
We are star dust, and we become compost…
It almost feels ‘spiritual’…
but only in a material-based perspective.

Our True Self, as “Pure Awareness”… pure Consciousness…
As such, was never born, nor will ever die.
No beginnings… no endings…
During most of our ‘nonsleeping’ moments,
we are of course aware of our surroundings and actions,
but always with a sense of the limited ‘self’, or ego…
we mistake to be our ‘True Self’.
It’s easy to believe the story our character is real…
But in the limitless perspectives…
It’s just a story with a beginning… and an end.
Any projection of our ‘Being’ that involves a beginning…
Will have an end…
That perspective of our ‘Being’…
Is not the Ultimate True Self.
Once one has deeply experienced the ‘Jhana’ states…
It becomes quite natural to see life’s ‘story’ as it is…
Just a story.
A damn intriguing and captivating story…
And we all want the story to go well.
And one’s description of ‘well’… is,
based on the attachment to an outcome
that is most likely to be way out of our control.
In Buddhism…
We strive to overcome our desires for ‘attachment’.
Here is where too much compassion
will cripple one’s ability to be of any help.
Empathy is awesome…
But without the balance of Equanimity…
We will be crippled with compassion.
The deeper one abides in the ‘Jhana’ states…
The more natural Equanimity flows.
The key to gaining the concentration of ‘one pointed awareness’
Is to be with your object of meditation all waking moments, and
prepare for sleep by maintain that awareness…
In your dreams,
you’ll likely continue your ‘Practice’.
The news of the world must be compartmentalized
and not accessed for days, weeks, years… or longer
to gain this ‘one pointed awareness’.
This ‘Practice’
is the whole idea of all reasonable Spiritual traditions…
This earnest dedication by its nature will liberate you from
being affected by the ‘story’ of life playing out in the material world.
Just because an aspirant knows this experientially…
It doesn’t mean we can just have a nihilist view of the rest of humanity
that has no idea they are not their ego and the story it’s created as…
‘Their life’ as a false perception.
The highest accomplishment a human can attain is…
The best way to achieve this is by having fewer profound challenges
that distracts from the ultimate goal.
It’s hard to maintain a focused concentration to achieve extended periods of
‘one-pointed awareness’ if life’s basic needs are not met!
We have enough resources on this planet so that no one should live in poverty.
No one should go hungry.
Look at it this way…

If it was discovered that in some forest jungle they find a ‘musk monkey’
that has figured out a way to steal all the bananas in the jungle
even though he’ll never ever be able to eat them all, thus
leaving no bananas for all the other monkeys.
Once this musk monkey is discovered,
countless teams of scientists, bio-medial animal researchers
would come in from all over the world to find out
how this musk monkey developed such a devastating characteristic
that would do such a shameful thing.
Contrasted with humans…

When someone becomes a billionaire…
We worship him and put him on the cover of Fortune 500 or Time magazine.
This self-defeating worship of artificial money is the root of all ‘evil’…
It corrupts man absolutely.
If the resources of the world were used intelligently,
then all of this… plus infinitely more can be experienced.
No one would be unemployed.
One could work 20 hours a week for 20 years and retire…
Choose another field of interest to find creatively fulfilling livelihoods
that would help further improve the human condition.
You would be free to live a creatively fulfilling life
without having to be a slave to the ‘caste’ system.
The system of $ Money $.
Money corrupts… absolutely.
The day we start living intelligently…
Is the day humanity can start evolving to a
higher stage of psychological development.
We could go from living a life of deficiencies – lacking in basic needs…
To a live of abundance.
Very common and easy to understand…
Unimaginably hard to understand the depth of shallowness
most of our unconscious population is willfully ignorant of.
There is a growing grass roots, organic group of
compassionate mindful people that are aware of the situation
and very inspired to do the right thing for humanity.
Ghandi, Martin Luther King, Thich Nhat Hahn…
And countless other inspiring spiritual people
devoted their lives to the betterment of humanity.
Be an inspiring spiritual person!
Do that unique thing that only you can do…
Reach out to someone that seems out of reach.
Talk sense with that person that seems… senseless.
Find that person that only you know in such a way
that given the right circumstance…
Your passion for humanity will overcome their ignorance of human suffering.
You can only do so much
Then do it!
Be the Evolutionary!
Spend the rest of the time in a steady state of one-pointed awareness…
“I Am”…