A Spiritual Philosophic way to find solace in the
nightmarish chaos of our politically disturbing times.
Amid the chaos of life…
There is peace.
This Wisdom…
It can’t be found by reading about it,
nor just believing…
It comes from a place that is ineffable to describe,
It Is closer than anything else in life.
~ ~ ~
What most of us refer to as our ‘selves’…
Is just the story ‘we’ create about a made up ‘self’.
This ‘self’ that ‘we’ assume is calling all the shots and
making all our decisions just fools ourselves in believing that
there is a ‘self’ within ‘us’ that is in control.
This illusionary ‘self’ is nowhere to be found within the human autonomy.
But yet,
‘we’ spend our whole lives reinforcing this illusion,
so the veils that cover our True nature
becomes almost impossible to transcend.
When we feel the burden of a society that is
embracing a very wrong direction…
‘we’ feel powerless and very uninspired.

Just to realize that nearly half of our country
willfully embraces the absolute worst possible perspective
humanity has ever had to endure…
When a presidential candidate repeatedly states that
“there is an enemy within”…
He defiantly states that he will use the US military
to round up anyone that does not agree with him
and put them into concentration camps…
With nearly half our population in agreement and support this diabolical tyrant.
Even when ‘the good guyz’, or in this case the good gal
wins the election soon…
Just knowing how nearly half of our nation supports the absolute downfall
of our democracy and everything that is important to humanity…
To say it’s depressing…
Is an underwhelming statement.

How does one find solace?
Consider the Spiritual philosophy of our True Nature…
It is boundless.
It is also ineffable…
Words can’t describe it.
The objectless aspects of :
Love, Joy, Peace, Bliss, Equanimity…
Offer at least a vague understanding of how it feels.
Knowing that ‘we’ are this objectless aspect…
Our True Nature can’t be affected by the materialistic chaos of life.
Just as we can get wrapped up in the drama of a movie…
When the house lights come on,
we soon flow back into our normal groove…
Because we know – It’s just a story!
C’est La Vie… Such is life.
To our True Self…
We have the boundless space to allow all materialistic things
and people to be as they are without affecting our well-being.
Just like at a scary movie when we might remind ourselves…
Calm down…
It’s just a movie.
So too in our apparently nightmarish society…
It’s just a story.
Go Blue! namaste