Luv Stories of Maui Marital Bliss
A little about our love story?
We met a little over a year ago and it was pretty much
instant love at first sight…
we have so much in common and were
insanely attracted to each other
and still have this special connection it feels like it did when we first fell in love…
only better and better.
we were amazed there was two deadheads on our little island
and that WE were the ones because of our immediate connection.
We feel like we’ve been together before…
or that we’ve known each other for lifetimes.
we pretty much have what most seek in love and wow are we lucky!
We r super casual about everything…we r hippies after all
(not in appearance but hey its what’s inside that counts;)

I’m sure that when Chris & Desiree first met…
It was a Blissful Jubal Li

True Love is inspired at First Sight.
This is felt from the Heart, Body and Soul…
The Soul knows a Soulmate in that split second of First Sight…
As it somehow connects us with countless eons
spent in the warm bliss of True Love One-ness shared in the inseparableness of the collective consciousness.
Lucky to be Blessed with such a reunion
that gets better and better…
your bonds of Love will grow deeper and deeper
as you take on life’s experiences together as a team.
Each being the wind beneath each other’s wings…
an Endless cycle of Inspiration and support
that will help each other be that Fulfilled Being
That radiant light of creative energy on a Path of manifesting their High Calling.
Life is indeed a “Long, strange Trip” …
But reconnecting with your Soulmate connects us with a deeper part of our Being…
A part of us that is Eternal,
and a Love that is larger than countless eons can express.
May your Love keep Truckin’ on
Continuing to manifest Eternal Maui Marital Bliss.

At Maui Marrying Man…
We fulfill your Luv Story!