I’d like to share with ‘all ya all’…
‘bout what inspired me to create this group
Tell a million of your closest friends to join this group!

First and foremost –
To share my collection of Luv Stories
I’ve been blessed to be a part of.
This helps all others that dream of someday
finding their ‘soul mate’
and committing their hearts to each other
on a Romantic Tropical Island…
to know that this Dream of having your own Luv Story come true…
can and will happen to anyone that just…
Let’s go, surrenders to the ‘flow’… and
Let it be.
It will be… and it will be natural.

I encourage everyone else that has ever been in love…
To share their own Luv Stories.
No matter how time and ‘life’ unfolded after…
Know that:
Everything that has happened… Had to… because… that’s life.
My advice for life is:
Be in love with all that is and all that arises…
And then…
You’ll never be unsatisfied

Sounds too simple.
Consider it a ‘practice’…
Practice makes perfect and someday you will sincerely feel
by experience that…
Your happiness does not depend on materialistic things,
the outcomes that life inherently throws our way.

The 3rd aspect of this page I envision is:
For anyone that has ever been here, lived or lives here…
Share your favorite Maui Photos!
This will encourage others to come to Maui…
And by that nature…
They will help support us and all other
Organically Grown Local Small Biz folks.

My wife Bobbie Jo and I are your Organically Grown
One Stop Mom & Pop Luv Shop!
To be honest…
Our high falutin’ competitors do more weddings a month…
Than we do all year.
They are AWESOME… at marketing…
How can they possibly show up fully stoked to be there…
Sometimes up to 7 times a day

Bobbie Jo has been performing music at weddings
for over 35 years,
I’ve been shooting photography for as long…
We both have been spreading Maui Marital Bliss here
for over 13 years.

We have
No corporate sponsors…
No “Invisible Investors” …
We’re not part of the
“Industrialized Marital Complex”…
We’re just two groovy people that look forward to
being a part of the most special day a couple can have…
Outside of the Honeymoon

There are many reasons I created this group.
To be honest…
Since we do not have all the mega marketing money our
high falutin’ competitors’ do…
We prefer to take the ‘organic’ approach
by reaching out in way that personally connects with
couples that are
dreaming of getting Maui’d or renewing their Vows
on our Romantic Tropical Island.

Like just about everyone in the whole world…
When covid came around…
We too were out of biz for a long time.
Knowing our pricy rent would still be due…
We opted to buy a sailboat in Mexico,
sail it around Mexico for a few months
and then make the very long journey back to Maui.
When life gets tough…
The tough go sailing

As we all know…
Those were surreal times…
And our experiences in Mexico were like an
exciting but weird dream.
Endless beaches that normally have huge number of people partyin’…
Were all empty.
Once back on Maui…
It was the same.

They started letting people come to Maui…
But it was… surreal…
and just a fraction of our normal tourist seasons.
There were brave and adventurous couples
that were determined to fulfill their lifelong dreams of
Maui Marital Bliss…
But it was a wee bit awkward to have that ‘first marital’ kiss…
While wearing a face mask
I expanded my Maui Marital Bliss Dream Team
and tried to coordinate it all from the boat.

After giving it my best shot,
I realized I can’t make it work without
personally doing the weddings ourselves,
About 7 months before the Lahaina fires…
We sailed our boat office to Mala
and began growing roots there.

Bobbie Jo got accepted in the Lahaina Art’s Society at the Cannery
to promote her “Nautical Treasures” she creates from the treasures
she finds along our nautical adventures.
It was an easy ‘dingy’ ride from our boat to shore
to catch a bus for just a buck
to anywhere we had a ceremony to do.
Life was groovy.
The devastating fire.

Luckily Bobbie Jo was off the boat and
staying at our son’s place in Kihei
and I was safe and sound on the boat anchored off of Mala.
For over 2 days the wind blew 40 to 80 knots,
with sustained gusts of over 100 knots.
Our sailboat held just fine…
A wee bit exhilarating… but fine,
just out of reach of most of the flaming embers.
More on that story some other time…
Needless to say…
We were once again….
Out of biz.
But this time,
There was no ‘pandemic relief’.
My normal method of advertising with Google
did not show any compassion and for whatever reasons they have
for why digital marketing goes from a
‘hero to a zero’…
We had to once again…
Reinvent ourselves.
I am optimistically confident that this new
organic marketing approach…
Of sharing these
“Luv Stories of Maui Marital Bliss”
Will encourage anyone else out there that shares the same dream
To come to Maui…
We’ll take care of the rest

Please help us spread the word,
So we can help spread Maui Marital Bliss
to everyone that shares that Dream.
Tell a million of your closest friends to join this group!