In today’s chaotic ‘modern’ life…
We have abundant ways to get information…
But in most cases…
The information is biased.
Misinformation and dis-information is the bedrock of most politics,
Particularly the demagogue conservative movement.
There is no longer any moral or academic ‘common ground’…
It’s all a matter of brainwashing the mentally vulnerable.
No longer can we attempt to have an intellectual dialog.
When facts are pointed out, the response is basically:
“Don’t confuse me with the facts…
I “Know” what I believe to be true…
Simply because I’ve been told to believe.”
This tactic is used in both of the two main important factors in life.
Politics – that are in charge for the human condition in this ‘here & now’…
The eternal nature of our True Being….
We leave both of these profound aspects
up to someone else!…
And they do NOT have humanities best interest in mind.
It’s best to understand that there will be no intellectual discourse…
Facts, reason, morality and everything dear to humanity …
is out the door.
One must realize to continue to attempt to talk reason
with the unreasonable is akin to
trying to teach a pig to sing.
I will just waste your time…
Annoy the pig.

Pigs will fly and sing long before our current society
will ever pull its head out of its collective ass.
Understand that,
Those that cling to such disastrous misbeliefs are victims
of their own ideology and sky god theology.
They will never see the forest for the trees.
Their mental vulnerability has them so willfully ignorant
that they support politics that are very much
against their own best interests and
condemn their very own children’s future.
Have compassion.
They know not what they do.
Just smile….
If the smile is genuine…
It will help crack a smile… even on these folks…
That will indeed make the world a better place…
One smile at a time.
This won’t save us from us…
It will help us learn to flow with an imperturbable groove…
That what comes… comes.
Our well-being is not effected by the chaos of this life.
We have all collectively taken that first step upon the threshold of paradigms…
If one can be fine with whatever reality throws our way…
We’ll cross those thresholds smoothly…
Hold on…
It’s gonna be a bumpy ride.