“Zenfully Quool Quotes” By Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh.
We have to train ourselves in the art of right thinking
so we can produce positive, nourishing thoughts every day.
If you had a negative thought about someone in the past,
it’s not too late to do something about it.
The present moment contains both the past and the future.
If today you can produce a thought of compassion, of love,
of forgiveness, then that positive thought has the power to
transform the negative thought of yesterday and to guarantee
a more beautiful future tomorrow.

Zenfully Quool Quotes Quommentary
by rog
Just the opposite of
‘Pinning about the past and fretting about the future’…
In both Buddhism and psychology…
Having the ‘Right’ perspective…
The Right attitude… is everything.
Even when the chaos of life seems relentless…
Find that ‘Way’ … back to your ‘center’.
The Ground of our Being is Peace.

“Zenfully Quool Quotes”
Currently featuring “The Art of Living”
By Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh
My aim is to present
a deeper, higher, wider, non-theological perspective
into common sense Spirituality
that most of us folks raised in the ‘west’ never get introduced to,
to fulfill life’s most intriguing questions…
Please note that:
one does have to be a ‘card carrying Buddhist’.
Even though I write extensively about Buddhism…
I don’t consider myself to be… just a Buddhist.
I find it’s best to combine all
Non-theological common sense spiritual practices
that point towards helpful solutions to life’s challenges,
While answering the most profound philosophical questions…
What is the True Nature of my Being.
What is my place in this life and the ‘Timeless wonder of it all’.
How to creatively fulfill my full potential.