“Zenfully Quool Quotes”
“The Art of Living” By Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh

We can visualize our human body as a wave,
and our cosmic body as all the other waves on the ocean.
We can see ourselves in all the other waves
and all the other waves in us.
We don’t need to go looking for our cosmic body outside us.
It is right here within us at this very moment.
We are made of stardust.
We are children of the Earth,
made of all the same elements and minerals.
We contain mountains, rivers, stars, and black holes.
In every moment of our life
the cosmos is going through us, renewing us,
and we are returning ourselves to the cosmos.
We are breathing the atmosphere, eating the earth’s food,
creating new ideas, and experiencing new feelings.
And we are emitting energy back into the cosmos, in our
thinking, speech, and actions, in our out- breath,
in our body’s warmth, and in
releasing everything we have consumed and digested.
In this very moment many parts of us are returning to the earth.
We don’t return to the earth and cosmos
only when our body disintegrates.
We are already inside the earth,
and the earth is inside us.
Our human body is a masterpiece of the cosmos,
and when we treasure, respect, and cherish our body,
we are treasuring, respecting, and cherishing our cosmic body.
When we live in such a way that we take good care of our body,
we are taking care of our ancestors
and we are taking care of our cosmic body.