Meditation is the only way to experience the wordless Wisdoms.
True spiritual Wisdoms are ineffable…
There simply are no words that can portray such Wisdoms.
One can gather information, learn some knowledge
and then put all that into earnest experience…
The brain will gain those ‘conventional’ wisdoms.
The Ultimate Spiritual Wisdoms…
Particularly involving the full fruition of Enlightenment,
goes far and beyond the body’s brain, mind and thinking.
Our True Self is not our body, brains, heart, ego,
or any body part or process of the body.
Only while abiding in the higher states of human consciousness…
Some traditions refer to as the “Jhana states”
developed during the very deep end of an earnest
“Insight meditation” Practice…
Where one leaves all association of being a limited ego body ‘self’…
Goes beyond the thinking mind…
It’s during these incredible meditation moments
that ‘one’ experientially gains these Wisdoms.
While in those states…
There is no thinking, no contemplations…
Only after the session ends…
And the Parvastha ‘after glow’ slowly fades…
Hours or days later…
Can ‘one’ contemplate’ that experience.
This is becomes the beginning of the ‘effortless’ meditation of Insight.
The Wisdoms experienced are the precursors of full Enlightenment.
Even then,
Once fully Enlightened…
The ineffable Wisdoms will only be understood
by other Enlighten ones.
A master can only point towards where an aspirant could find their own….