Tip 1
Don’t get sunburned before your beach wedding, save that for after the wedding if you wish. The photos will forever be a reminder to wear sunblock unless in the hands of the wrong photo editor, you might end up with an alien complexion or zombie after attempting to remove the bright glowing red skin.
If your destination beach wedding is in the warmer Tropical zones the sun’s rays really are much stronger, so 20 minutes in the sun will be like over an hour at northern latitudes and that’s plenty of time for fresh white skin to burn.
I don’t advocate getting a tan before your wedding, in fact, I’d never recommend one to go out just to get a tan on purpose, but because you will be traveling to the ‘sunburn latitudes’ you may want to at least indulge yourself in outdoor activities before you come to the tropics rather than try to ‘get it all here’.
Even with reasonable sun protection your skin will gently acquire enough of tan to help protect your skin on your dream beach wedding day, especially if you work inside and it’s cloudy a lot before the wedding.
When you’re here for your wedding/honeymoon, protect yourself from the sun during the hottest parts of the day, particularly before your wedding day.
Brides can use high quality make up that has sunblock in it, while of course the guys can seek out high quality sun block that does not leave their face looking like a painted wedding clown. But the very best way to avoid over exposure is to wear long sleeved sun shirts and wide brimmed hats!
This also helps protect our coral reefs from dying of excess sunblock.
Even if one does not go into the water to snorkel around the reefs, showering off at the beach and even at your accommodations will have that sunblock traveling down the pipes to the ocean:-O
Tip 2
After your wedding you can go buck wild, even buck-naked in the early Morning hours or just before the sun sets. You can spend hours a day in the sun if you do it right.
Tip 3
I’ve sailed over 30,000 miles in the South Pacific and continue to spend lots of time in the sun, what I have found to be more effective than sun block is long sleeve sun shirts, wide-brimmed hats and just apply just a little bit of very high-quality sunblock to any parts of the face that remains exposed. This cuts down immensely the amount of sunblock required to do an effective job, plus cleanup is easy, just change shirts.
Tip 4
Keep Hydrated!
Be sure to bring some water to sip on, most beach weddings are in warm places so a little too much to drink the night before, caffeine for breakfast & not enough water is a perfect recipe for tipping over at the Sand Altar in front of your soon to be Mother-in-Law, God and everybody.
Tip 5
Don’t party too hard the night before! Feeling a bit hung over for an early morning wedding is extra challenging with the bright sun and tropical island beach weddings will be warmer than most are used to. It is not uncommon for wedding party members that have drank too many spirits and not enough water to feel very woozy…
Sort of distracts for the otherwise dream wedding on the Beach.
But… Tip 6
You can make up for lost partying by having Two Honeymoons on your wedding day!
After your morning wedding, saunter back to your Love Nest for a private Champagne Brunch and enjoy a ‘HoneyNoon’ with all the vigor and energy at the peak of your day.
You’d be like a ‘HoneyMooner’ but just a bit sooner!
Tip 7
After a nice long nap, you’ll wake up refreshed in plenty of time to enjoy an awesome sunset dinner with your second ’round’ of partying AND the Second ‘HoneyMoon’!
Tip 8
Bring tissues or handkerchief!
We rarely have a dry eye during portions of our ceremonies and more often than not it’s the big tough guy balling’ his eyes out…
And wouldn’t you know, when the ‘eye spigot’ is flowing, the ‘nose hose’ tends to go off as well and guys don’t usually have long sleeves a beach wedding… ooooh:-O
Tip 9
Having a simple beach wedding instead of a complex mainland wedding allows for more quality romantic time on your Destination Beach Wedding Day.
You don’t need to spend the down-payment of a house to have a magical day.
We like to say:
Keep It Simple Sweetheart and Save the rest for the honeymoon!
Tip 10
Consider wearing islandy beachwear, Polynesian patterns, pastels and or colorful flowers as opposed to wearing blaring bright white. Most cameras are pushed to their dynamic limit with the high contrast between the bride’s blinding white dress and the groom’s black hole black suit (done with that stuff they paint stealth bombers so they’re invisible).
Softening that dynamic range with these ‘Island Style Wear’ will allow the aperture to open up more and take in more of the vivid context. OK, sure, white is a traditional color and I’ve shot countless very stunning white wedding dress shots in the blazing bright sun.
It’s all Good!… but “I’m just Sayin'”…
If your Wedding Dreams include a Beach Wedding consider coming to Maui and get Married at a True Tropical Island Paradise – Hawaii’s Best Wedding Beaches are on Maui!
Bobbie Jo and this article’s author Roger Curley have a deep connection to the ocean and the Tropical Islands they have sailed to and lived among during their nearly 4 years of Sailing Adventures. Heck, we’re still roaming the ‘High Seas of Hawaii on our new catamaran Chat d’O.
Roger experienced a 30+ year career in Hollywood’s Film, TV and Audiophile recording industry while Bobbie Jo has been performing Harp and Vocals at Wedding Ceremonies for over 30 years as well…
We bring our highly technical photography, video, and worldly experiences together for
Simply Elegant Dream Weddings on a Tropical Island Beach.
A ‘Tried and True’ locally based Mom and Pop – One Stop Shop!