Olivia & Misti Kotter’s Luv Story

Luv Stories of Maui Marital Bliss We met in Austin Texas when We were both working in a hotel bar she was bartending and I was a Cocktail waitress, we would both talk about our love for traveling, different cultures and adventure in general. Most of our co-workers knew we had feelings for each other,…

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Tanya and Paul – Maui’d on da Beach

Luv Story Blessing – By the Maui Marrying manTo meet organically by a close friendYour potential True Love gets a passto meet under the embrace of the inner circle of friendshair dressers are somewhere betweenclose friends and personal psychologist 😉 Right from the start you were like friends, family – Ohana Our Eternal Souls Within…

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Zenfully Quool Quotes – Thich Nhat HanhSIXTH BODY: THE CONTINUATION BODYThroughout our life we produce energy.We say things and do things, and every thought, every word,and every act carries our signature.What we produce as thoughts, as speech, as action,continues to influence the world,and that is our continuation body. Our actions carry us into the future.We…

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Antidotes to L Ron’s Buddhist Politics 501

For such an obnoxious blow horn that is a very self aggrandizing and pretends he is more enlightened than countless others he takes the time of belittle… He’s is nowhere near Enlightenment! He makes up his ultra right wing projections about Buddhist Politics 501… Yet, he makes it painfully obvious he does not ‘grok’ even…

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The Buddha Never Taught Politics

There are however Buddhist texts, up to the present day, contain advice to rulers about how to govern well, warnings about the dire consequences of ruling poorly, and admonitions to avoid arrogance and ignoring the needs of the common people. In many other Asian nations, Buddhism is an important ethical and religious tradition, even if…

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We May Have Already Crossed the Threshold to Oblivion

The Supreme court has just awarded tRump full immunity from just about anything he does… Which opens the door to using the military to capture, jail and even assassinate his political opponents. The Florida Judge that tRump appointed just threw out tRumps mis handling of top secret documents case based on a phony interpretation of…

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A Carl Jung Quote Un-Packed

To me, my interpretation of this quote is…somewhat in line with a general perspective…as they would mention:“Direct experience is not for the faint hearted…” True.Most people are simply not evolved enoughto find the volition required to put in the effort requiredto find the non-dual connection to Divinitythrough the experience of deep Insight meditation. Most people…

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