At the stage of Desire for Deliverance,
we are fed up with basically everything, often including dharma practice,
but at a level that transcends mere suicidal thoughts,
though definitely it may include such thoughts for an unfortunate few.
It will likely pass soon enough;
you need to stay alive so you can get to the good stuff, and
Desire for Deliverance is very close to the good stuff.
Desire for Deliverance is beneficial in some deeper sense,
though it nearly always seems otherwise.
It can cause serious problems that can appear as insurmountable.
Those who know dharma map theory
will no longer wish for anything but the complete ending of all sensations, that is,
the first taste of Fruition (described in a bit).
We just wish the noise in our minds would stop cold,
but are unable to will this to happen.
We wish the vibrations, which can be quite intense, harsh, and jarring
by this stage, would all go away forever.
We wish the unpleasant feelings that are flooding in would all just stop.
If we fail to associate the ending of pain with progress in insight and
instead falsely associate that pain with
merely changing something in our ordinary life
(such as suicide, sedation with substances, divorce, or whatever),
we are likely to wander far and wide or do something stupid or irreversible

until we come to realize the limits of ordinary solutions.
A profound resolution to push onward can arise at this stage,
driven by our powerful frustration and the powerful compassion in it.
we make the last push for freedom,
the push against the seemingly impenetrable wall of…

This article was Inspired by
Buddha’s step by step instructions to obtain Enlightenment
as refined by The Arahant Daneil M. Ingram.
Buy this book for Full Immersion!