Conformity means that we suddenly flash onto a way of
perceiving the whole of our experiential reality
completely, directly, and perfectly clearly.
This stage lasts only one moment and never recurs
until we attain the next stage of enlightenment.
The same is true of the following two stages.
Stages twelve through fourteen
(Conformity, Change of Lineage, and Path)
are the three moments of the first entrance to transcendent ultimate reality
( stage fifteen or Fruition ) through one of the three doors.
In subsequent attainments of Fruition at the same “ path ”
( or level of enlightenment ) ,
during the stage of Review,
the three moments before Fruition are no longer called
Conformity, Change of Lineage, and Path.

We attain to Conformity Knowledge, in which we effortlessly, naturally,
simultaneously, and totally comprehend two of the three characteristics
of our entire sense field including space, consciousness,
and everything else in that volume as an integrated whole.

Bill Hamilton used to describe Conformity as
the moment when all of the centers of attention in the brain
suddenly synchronize and converge perfectly
on one complete moment.
Going from least developed to most developed:
1 ) Not trying to practice, lost in our stuff, spacing out, mindfulness weak
2 ) Mindfulness weak, lost in our stuff, but at least attempting some technique or just basic attention to what is happening at times,
even if we can’t actually do it for long.
People spend whole retreats at this level, unfortunately.
3 ) Better able to practice, albeit with frequent interruptions,
and to follow basic instructions such as noting, body scanning, or whatever you are trying to do.
I’ll go non – technique – specific here,
as this is a guide to the essence of the thing: basically
any technique, object, or posture that moves you up this hierarchy
and keeps you there is what matters, and
nothing about the specifics of your object of attention
or how you are attending to it is important
as long as it serves that fundamental goal.
4 ) Able to do a specific vipassana technique or set of techniques
that allows you to stay with aspects of your sensate reality
as it presents with few interruptions.
5 ) Able to apply those techniques or practices uninterruptedly.
6 ) Able to perceive directly the three characteristics of objects
in the center of attention consistently and directly
regardless of whether we are using a more specific technique.
In short,
if you can do this, for that time, however long that lasts,
whether you use a more formal technique is irrelevant.
7 ) Able to perceive directly and continuously the sensations
that make up the coarse background components also in that same light of
strong, direct vipassana awareness, meaning direct comprehension of
the three characteristics of not only the foreground objects,
but also those in the background or periphery, such as
rapture, equanimity, fear, doubt, frustration, analysis, expectation , and other sensations,
as well as other objects as they arise, such as thoughts and
the component sensations of feelings, as well as the primary object or objects
( assuming we at this point are still using primary objects, which is not necessary ).
8 ) Able to do # 7 very well and then add core processes, such as
the sensations that seem to make up attention itself, intention itself,
memory itself, questioning, effort, surrender, subtle fear, space, consciousness,
and everything that seems to be subject or observer or self
all the way through the skull, neck, chest, abdomen, and all of space
such that nothing is excluded from this comprehensive, cutting, piercing,
instantly comprehending clarity that is synchronized with all phenomena
( or is just about to be ) .
9 ) Able to do # 8 naturally, effortlessly, and clearly
due to diligent efforts to write that wiring on the mind as our new
baseline default mode of perception.
10 ) We are back to where we started with Conformity Knowledge:
we comprehend simultaneously two of the three characteristics
of our entire sense field, including space, consciousness,
and everything else in that volume as an integrated whole,
and so attain Conformity, and then
Change of Lineage, Path, and Fruition.

That’s what we are shooting for if we are at least going for stream entry,
and it even works well for the sort of complete mindfulness
that effects higher paths.
Q : When should I stop noting and just pay attention?
A : You can definitely stop when at that particular time you are at
stage six or higher, but you could also continue as long as it
doesn’t slow you down or restrict your ability to comprehend
whatever arises in its rich and comprehensive entirety.
See Mahasi’s Practical Insight Meditation for more good advice on this point .
Read it very carefully.

This article was Inspired by
Buddha’s step by step instructions to obtain Enlightenment
as refined by The Arahant Daneil M. Ingram.
Buy this book for Full Immersion!