“We” Are All Interconnected

“Zenfully Quool Quotes”…
Currently featuring “The Art of Living”
By Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh


There is vitality in everything.

The entire cosmos is radiant with vitality.

If we see the Earth as just a block of matter lying outside of us,

then we have not yet truly seen the Earth.

We need to be able to see that we are a part of the Earth,

and to see that the entire Earth is in us.


The Earth is also alive;

it has intelligence and creativity.

If the Earth were inert matter,

it could not give birth to countless great beings,

 including the Buddha, Muhammad,

and the stories of Jesus Christ,, and Moses.


The Earth is also mother to our parents and to us.

Looking with the eyes of non – discrimination,

we can establish a very close relationship with the Earth.

We look at the Earth with our heart and not the eyes of cold reasoning.

You are the planet, and the planet is you.

The well-being of your body is not possible

without the well-being of the planet.

And that is why to protect the well-being of your body

we must protect the well-being of the planet.

This is the insight of emptiness.


rog Note:

At the core of Buddhist philosophy:

There is an interdependent nature of all phenomena in the world,

implying that the arising of all matters

is conditioned on the arising of one another.

In other words,

all matters are mutually influencing one another and co-arising dependently …


Ken Wilber – The most prolific philosopher of all time and still

a contemporary teacher of the human condition states in his huge book entitled:

“A Theory of Everything” …

That not only are ‘we’ interconnected with everything on Earth,

but we are also interconnected all that “Is” in the

known and unknown universe along with manifest and unmanifest aspects

like all matter… and all ‘dark’ matter.

Since the latest ‘Big Bang’

incredibly small things have been evolving into more & more complex ‘things’.

‘Things’ that become successful, survive, and thrive do so by

‘Transcending and Including’…

Not by overpowering and disenfranchising other ‘things’. 

This ‘Transcend and Include’ process is also a metric

for all aspects of life and even human societies.

The societies that ‘include’ all their members with compassion

for everyone’s well-being…

It creates a successful and sustainable environment

that all can prosper in.

Take for example Finland.

Each year for quite some time, it has been noted that

Finland is one of the happiest countries in the world,

on account that their government

properly manages the well-being of its citizens.

Contrast this with one of the world’s worst places to live…


It’s right next door and shares the same cold weather,


It’s run by a narcissistic ego power driven authoritarian dictator

that has shares the same dis-regard for the human condition of it’s population

as their past “leaders”.  

Recall that Stalin had over 20 million of his own people starved and frozen to death

just because of his highly sensitive and fragile ego.

Putin’s ego has no problem sending over 400,000 young Russians to their death

for his ego wars with the Ukraine…

all with the blessings of Russia’s Orthodox church.

Which again brings to question the audacity of an organized religion

stating that it’s “prolife”,

yet has no problem sending over 400,000 of it’s young men

to die for the egos of Putin and Patriarch Kirill, 

Putin’s spiritual leader and power broker… “amen”


Nearly a half a million sent to die for Putin and his church.

Stalin with over 20 million exterminated…

Not as bad as the 150 million the ‘church’ tortured to death

in the good ‘ol dark ages,

a result and consequence of the Catholics inventing the bible.

Nor as bad as when

their “prolife” “god” killed every man, woman, and child


except for the few lucky ones on Noah’s ark…

so their bible states.

If one is ever curious as why humanity insists on living so…Un-human…

The answers always lie within the perspectives of

“Interconnectedness” and “Transcend and Include”.

Once humanity sufficiently evolves…

We will then begin to live in the harmony of

“Interconnectedness” and “Transcend and Include”.

Ken Wilber has created a metric that helps outline this form of human evolution.

It includes Abraham Maslow’s human stage of life as a series of deficiencies

when we could easily be living a life of abundance.

Ken integrates his own metric of Spiritual Awareness, so,

The whole metric shows how certain people fit in this metric of:

“Growing up” – as in evolving from ego-centric perspectives

to more intelligent and world centric compassion.


“Waking Up” – as in evolving Spiritually to experience

the highest states of consciousness possible for a human being.

This planet we are on has more than enough resources

for it to be like a ‘heaven on Earth’.

But we choose psychotically narcissistic egotistical demagogue “leaders”

that don’t stand for anything that’s good for humanity,

they only strive for their own self centered interests.

They take advantage of the mentally vulnerable

that can’t even tell the difference between the two types of leaders,

to the point that their ‘willfully ignorant’ perspectives support ‘leaders’

that go against their very own self interests, welfare, and well being…

while seemingly gleeful that they are condemning the futures of

their very own children and their children’s futures….


They say ‘ignorance is bliss’….

But this type of bliss becomes the downfall of humanity.



Humanity can be considered to be

somewhere in between it’s ‘embryonic’ stage and ‘adolescent’ stage.

The most intelligent of us don’t bother with politics

on account of its highly Un-intelligent and self-defeating mode of representation.


our most intelligent folks don’t bother with organized religions

for a similar reason to the extent that most of the most intelligent of us

don’t believe in man’s naïve made up ‘personal god’ projections.

With all the senseless chaos in the world,

one needs to find solace thru an ‘inner Peace’.


Education is the antidote to ignorance.

Peace is the antidote to war.

Love is the antidote to hate…

These are all common-sense perspectives.

These are all available for anyone that desires to be Liberated from

the chaos of this world inhabited by a majority that is not in touch

with their own ‘Inner Peace’ and

cannot radiate the essential aspects of living in Peace and Harmony

with the mindfulness of living with Loving Kindness

in a universe of ‘Interconnectedness’.

Find your Liberation!

Find a volition to pursue a Path that ‘Transcends and Includes’ through

Non-Theological Common-Sense Spirituality.

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The Start of 2020

Our business was doing great, but we still couldn’t afford to buy a house or a condo. Renting in Maui for another 30 years was not an option we wanted to take. Then, Bobbie Jo suggested we buy a sailboat that is comfortable to cruise and live in. By the end of January, we started looking for our new home.

After a long search, we found our dream boat in Mazatlan, Mexico. COVID-19 was not yet a concern when our boat hunt began, but masks were starting to appear at airports by the time we flew to Mazatlan. Originally, we had planned to get the boat ready as fast as possible to cover a full calendar for the busy wedding season. However, it was apparent our business was going to tank amid the pandemic, and the struggle went on until the end of the year.

Luckily, we scored an awesome condo for only $19 a day at Mazatlan. On the 10th day of our stay, we received the news that all harbors will be closed the next Monday morning. We thought we’d be stuck in Mexico longer, but another sailor advised us to leave before sunrise.

We felt the adrenalin of escaping the Mexican harbor master just before the sun rose that faithful day. The seas were rough as waves were building up in the tight channel that led us to the open ocean. We ended up anchored off an adorable little isle just a mile offshore. We enjoyed cruising to many spectacular anchorages and cute villages on our way to Puerto Vallarta, where we would depart for Maui on May 7. On May 30, 2020, we completed our 24-day passage from Mexico to Maui.