The lack of it sure feels like ‘hell’
if humanity lasts long enough
to sustain itself and transcends away from
the self-defeating mode of governing and
current economy modus operandi that requires the need to
exponentially use up our limited resources for short term gain
rather than work out a sustaining way to live in abundance….
There will be a day when we transcend the need for money.
It only causes greed and division.
Most of us live an existence of deficiencies…
If humanity survives long enough…
We will reach the next paradigm of abundance.
We have the resources on this planet right now
to live in such a ‘heavenly’ way,
but we are stuck on stupid.
~ ~ ~
I too have been struggling for over 12 years now.
The future is certainly… uncertain.
That’s part of the reason I’ve pursued deep spirit so profoundly.
There is a perspective that offers insight into our True Nature
and the Ultimate reality.
The deeper one ‘lets go’ into this perspective…
The more our inherent ‘pain & suffering’ is rendered…
a non-issue.
One does not have to die and go to wherever one goes after this life
to experience this Bliss…
Wherever “we” go when ‘we’ die
is way beyond the comprehension of most ‘sentient beings’…
but just know…
it’s nothing like what our ego-mind-body experiences ‘here & now’ on this earth plane.
We can live it right Here and Now.
~ ~ ~
There is one thing to have ‘faith’,
but there is a profoundly deeper feeling to have a knowing…
Not by faith, but by experience.
This can personally be accomplished in this life.
Each step along this Path of Self-inquiry
will allow a personal philosophy of life
to grow a deeper understanding of the Absolute Truths of
who ‘we’ are, why ‘we’ are here, how to live a creatively fulfilling life, and
what happens when ‘we’ leave our body when ‘we’ are done here.
Most of ‘us’ mistake ourselves to be our bodies and egos.
I spell ‘we’ like this to emphasize the ineffableness of who ‘we’ are…
Our egos and minds cannot really know our True Nature
without being open to a Journey on a Path of Self Realization.
If you are interested in expanding your knowledge of Mind, Body, and Spirit thru the diverse methodologies of Yoga, this is a great source of Hatha physical asana postures, movements, in depth philosophic resources, meditations, breathing techniques and ultimately a way to achieve the Higher states of conscious that most of us are oblivious to in our normal lives.
If you feel awkward about engaging into anything outside of Christianity…
There are ways to even make your own religion a deeper experience.
Check out The Christian Centering Prayer.
I highly recommend reading this book written by a Zen Buddhist:
The art of living – Peace and Freedom in the Here and Now
by Thich Nhat Hanh
This book helps give daily life perspectives
that make our inherent challenges…
These insights will certainly help us to gain the perspectives
to get through our daily challenges.
~ ~ ~
Yes, of course ‘God’ is great as they say… Yet
the projections of a personal ‘sky god’ is a wee bit… naïve…
there is a much deeper Way to understand Divinity…
by experience.
Whatever comes after this life is ineffable, words can never spell it out.
Just know that, it’s…
Always Already Alright.
But we’re not there yet, we are ‘here now’.
And we can integrate a Practice into any religion in a spiritual way
that helps us see the Ultimate reality… The Absolute Truths.
Awakening to this ‘Self Realization’ will indeed make our worst challenges…
~ ~ ~
There is a Peace, and contentedness that is within us right now
that is unaffected by any material challenge of this life.
Find this unshakable contentedness…
And you will be liberated from all the challenges one can face in this ‘here & now’.
Namaste my friend… Amen
By the way,
It’s no coincidence that those that the chant Om… spoken as…
This is the same mantra that Amen was originally meant…
To abide in the higher states of human consciousness,
one must first quiet the mind of all the constant bombardment of thoughts…
both trivial and profound.
The main purpose of repeating a mantra is…
that while your chanting your mantra…
you are not thinking of any stray thoughts,
this opens the door to the higher states of human consciousness.
All reasonable religions and spiritual traditions
were formed by the inspirations of the one and only Absolute Truth.
There is so much more to learn,
and every day, each step along one’s Path,
brings a bit more peace…
AuuuOoooMmmm… Namaste, peace, peace, peace. Amen.