Luv Stories of Maui Marital Bliss
I’ll have to think about our story. We are a blended family.
I have two boys 9 and 7 and he has a son and daughter 7 and 4.
With 4 kids and we also have a 2 yr old black lab husky mix.
Our life is pretty busy and crazy sometimes but it is also a lot of fun.
Always something going on between everyone.

Luv Story Blessing
Lisa & Matt created their own mini “Brady Bunch”.
Just like in a fairy tale Luv story…
Lisa looks like a princess and Matt…
The knight in shining armor…
Or at lest an Armani looking suit

The kids of this blended family naturally acted like
they were all best friends instead of the typical sibling rivalry you often see.
They joked, laughed, played and had fun…
All in a natural way.
They caught on naturally that acting grossed out
when their parents kissed made me laugh out loud.
A picture can tell the story of a 1000 words…
These photos inspired me to get other kids to do that ha ha…
But these kids did it naturally.
They all seem to be doing ‘Life’ as it should be…
“Pretty busy and crazy sometimes but it is also a lot of fun.”