Consider that there are two profound aspects in one’s life…
Birth… and Death.
While in this life,
one normally does not get to know about
what came before our ‘birth’…
Even for those that truly attain ‘Enlightenment’…
There is only so much the conventional mind
will ever understand…

One can’t conventionally know everything.
There are wordless Wisdoms about what is beyond this life…
But it will remain… an ineffable mystery.
We have an entire lifetime to contemplate and amuse ourselves
with what comes after this life…
Without ‘ruminating’… it becomes…
“Death is just the beginning of a new journey beyond this life.”
Knowing this life is not even ‘a blink of an eye’ in this ‘journey’.
One must realize that even if it is ‘Maya’, an illusion…
Not our True Self…
Life as we know it is ineffably special.
For that reason,
we must be grateful for each breath…

And use each breath to center ourselves in our True Nature.
It is expressed by many Non-Duel Enlightened masters
while teetering on the threshold of this life…
“Nothing changes”.
If you spend enough time abiding in your
Center, True Self, your “I AM”, Rigpa…
That place in which:
“The mountains are just mountains, the rivers are just rivers”…
That natural place within
that is not colored by the biases of our minds…

Once one has achieved this during the higher states of consciousness
in the Jhana insight meditations…
It leaves a permanent ‘compass’
that shines the light of where to flow during the rest of one’s life here.
Take that light and illuminate your Path, so that others will feel it too.
Live this life to its fullest…
With every breath, enjoy every blessing in the ever present moments.
Feel the warmth of the sun on a cool day.
Feel the refreshing breeze coming down from a mountain.
Breath in the pleasant fragrance of a blooming flower.

Be the dew drop on a leaf.
Be the sparkle on the water.
Shimmer with the leaves upon a gentle breeze…
You see…
This is where our loved ones are…
This is where ‘we’ go.
So then…
When that faithful day comes when ‘we’ finally get to move on…
It will feel like…
“Nothing changes”.
But do know …
That it is our egos and conventional minds that contemplate on
how wonderous the rest of the ‘journey’ will be…
There will be no ego, no personality, no character
that ‘we’ currently refer to as…
There will be no part of our old ‘self’ that will remain
to jump up & down with joy and say:
“Wow! This journey is incredible”.
Just as there are no rain drops that gleefully exclaim:
“Wow! I’ve made it to the ocean!”
Like the rain drop,
Once ‘we’ have melted separately into the ‘ocean of consciousness’…
It will be as natural as the falling rain.
