The photos were taken when sailed to Barking Sands from Hanalei Bay Kauai.
Barking Sands is the longest stretch of sandy beaches on Kauai,
these photos only show a small part of these beaches as they stretch out for a long way.
Note the high resolution of the Boobie birds I shot while sailing on a rocking sailboat.
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At first just glimpses of the mysterious “Forbidden Island” are zoomed in with telephoto lens… As the excitement of approaching this islands increased with each moment.
We sailed to “The Forbidden Island” of Ni’ihau… Forbidden because…
it is.
No one can step foot on the island.
It is guessed that one might be able to go to the beach
but go no further than the high tide area…
We didn’t want to chance that and spoil the tranquility with possible drama.
It’s forbidden…
On account that in the mid 1800’s a wealthy Kiwi gal bought the whole island
from the cash strapped king of Hawaii back then.
With one stipulation…
That the inhabitants must be allowed to live as they have been since “ancient times”
and not allow the traps of modern life spoil their paradise.
I strongly feel the new owners missed the mark entirely as they soon
indoctrinated all the inhabitants into the dogmas and doctrines of
extreme Calvinistic Christianity…
This had nothing to do with “ancient Hawaiian” culture.
But the owners did the best they could to keep the flock working, housed and fed.
The moment the new owners bought Ni’ihau and its inhabitants…
Over half the population left.
Now, there is literally just a handful of descendants left there.
This song: Aloha Ke Akua Speaks of our True Spiritually Divine Nature…
That so few are currently evolved enough to even begin to conceptualize…
Much less follow a Path towards.
Most are content to allow the blind lead the blind and take someone else’s word
for what Divinity is and fall prey to the fear-based manipulations
that still keep the flock feeling guilty and devoted to the out dated dogmas and doctrines
that now inflict their archaic mis-beliefs on entire countries
as they still dominate the voting population in a nation that was formed with
the mandate of religious ‘freedom’…
not government sanctioned religious nationalism
which it de-evolved into not to long ago.
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“If ‘we’ knew what your True Nature was”,
we would treat everybody with more respect and we would no longer be trying to
divide and conquer humanity.
There would be Peace of Earth…
If only we were evolved enough, soon enough…
Humanity would have a chance.
I recorded this Medicine for the People song live on my sailboat Chat d’O
while anchored at Mala Maui.
For Inspiring Insights for Spiritually curious… https://mauimarryingman.com/?page_id=3455