Just about everyone, at some point in their life, has contemplated…
“The meaning of life”.
Along with how their life fits into…
‘The timeless wonder of it all’.
Who am I really… in the grand scheme of it all?
Is there a God?
Do we have a soul or eternalness that preceded this life
and continues after this life?

These are the classic philosophic questions that have been contemplated
since humans first hopped down from the monkey trees… that is
as long as one isn’t stuck on a mythic-literal religion that denies evolution.
Along one’s Spiritual Path…
Curiosity transforms into a desire to know more about
the ‘absolute Truths’ of Life
and whatever follows and precedes it.
This starts innocently enough without religion,
but with an almost scientific philosophy mindset.
These are the essential steps towards the Ultimate freedom of Liberation.

Once Awakened,
the veils that obscure reality dissolve and the relief of knowing, experientially,
the Ultimate Truths of our True nature will feel like
the Bliss that the projections imagined of ‘heaven’ would feel like.
For those few that heard that call of these Ultimate Wisdoms,
the whispers of wordless Wisdoms…
that feel there is much more to life, our life,
and our place in this timeless wonder of it all…
For those seekers of Truth…
There is a Way.
It doesn’t take far into this Path to come to
‘the point of no return’ and earnestly seek the fulfillment of this Path.
The goal of this Path is Liberation.
One prerequisite is “Self” realization,
which contemplates the classic philosophic question of
“Who am I”.

Along with those curious contemplations…
One will endeavor upon the Three Trainings
that are essential to one’s Path to Liberation.
Morality – Training in morality has as its domain all the physical, verbal, and mental behaviors belonging to every single aspect of life that is not explicitly meditative.
Concentration – To be able to Tune in to anything smooth, flowing, and nice
about what you are concentrating on and experiencing.
In the beginning, one ‘focuses’ on ‘one-pointedness awareness’…
Then, as the practice deepens,
One will naturally shift towards a broader perspective, in such a way that the peripheral view of the mediation object is the only way to experience the object.
This practice leads to ‘Insight Wisdoms’.
Insight Wisdom – To understand some specific aspects of the sensations
that make up our present experience.
By training in insight,
we can improve how we fundamentally perceive reality at a bare sensate level,
such that our actual sensate experience becomes progressively clearer,
and thus
attain profound insights into the nature of reality
and realize stages of awakening.
I define awakening as:
permanently eliminating the basic perceptions
that either duality or unity is the answer, and thus
attaining to permanent realizations that are
unshakable within the limits of biology.

The Progress of Spiritual Insights:
Is a set of stages that diligent meditators pass through on the path of insight.
Every spiritual tradition and every serious meditator that achieves ‘Enlightenment’, or ‘Awakening’ goes through these stages.

The Christian mystic St. John of the Cross’ wrote about
The Dark Night of the Soul which is a 5 part journey through these ‘Insights’.
Each stage also tends to bring up mental and physical raptures
(unusual manifestations).
I have complied a group of instrumental guitar arrangements that are part of my ‘musical meditation’.
Although these recordings are not meditative necessarily…
They are a part of my journey as I endeavor to progress along my Spiritual Path.
My intention of sharing such deep spiritual awareness is to help bring about the awareness that knowing unshakably the Absolute Truths of our life, all life and beyond.
Knowing this experientially is, in itself… ‘Liberating’.
The Progress of Insight
Inspired by Daniel Ingram’s book Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha,
With this section “The progress of Insight”
Inspired by Mahasi Sayadaw