Ponder this

What is really important in your life?
What really matters?
What would you be better off doing more of?
What would you be better off doing less of?
The basic Meditations and Mindful Daily Practices I write about are
Non-denominational and in Harmony with all Spiritual Traditions.
Every one of Every Faith Benefits Greatly
by following these guidelines towards
a life that makes more sense and gets less painful
from ‘unrealistic’ fears that don’t need to be fed any energy
once viewed from the proper perspective.
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All of this inspires one to love themselves
and radiate selfless love to all others.
Find that glimmer of inner peace...
Begin to expand your circle of Loving embrace to ultimately include
All living beings and this world we live on.

If only 10% of humanity truly took this to heart,
it would be enough to create
the classic ‘Tipping Point toward a better life’
required for all of society to evolve their ‘world view’.
This alone would be enough to solve every man-made problem
that we have created with our High Tech and Low Human self-serving ways.