“Zenfully Quool Quotes”
Currently featuring “The Art of Living”
By Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh

My name, Nhat Hanh, means “one action.”
I spent a long time trying to find out which action this was.
Then I discovered that my one action is to be peace
and to bring peace to others.
We have a tendency to think in terms of doing
and not in terms of being.
We think that when we’re not doing anything,
we’re wasting our time.
But that’s not true.
Our time is first of all for us to…
To be what?
To be alive, to be peaceful, to be joyful, to be loving.
And this is what the world needs the most.
We all need to train ourselves in our way of being,
and that is the ground for all action.
Our quality of being determines our quality of doing.

Zenfully Quool Quotes Quommentary
by rog
the chaos we are experiencing in this country brings up a ‘lose-lose’ situation.
No longer are morals, virtues, dignity, common sense, critical thinking,
logic and intelligence a factor in swaying the voting population into
choosing infinite positive potentials over
infinitely self-defeating modes of representation.
We can carry signs with very obvious meanings that support everything that is dear to humanity…
all we get back is the big middle finger, waves proudly like a patriotic nationalist flag.
To go on senselessly running into a brick wall of nonsense…
Then backing up for another running start into the same relentless nonsense…
There will come a point in which it will be realized that no amount of reasoning with the adimently unreasonable will ever change their tiny dupped minds.
After running around year after year, decade after decade…
The senseless just keep digging in their ass like heals.
Willfully ignorant, heartless and willing to take all of humanity down with them.
There comes a point of surrender.
Not to ever give up on the idea that humanity should at least strive for at least sustainability… but to keep that momentum up so that the human condition will someday start improving.
With such a devastating realization that most of our country is gleefully cheering on the downfall of humanity, all for one single joy…
The joy of proudly waving their middle finger at those that
just want the human condition to improve for all humans…
Not just under educated white misogynistic Christion males.
Surrender means to not allow our ego to ruin our ever present moments
ruminating on the doom and gloom of this materialistic world.
There is still beauty to be experienced.
In nature, there is still much to offer solace.
Be creative in a way that brings you joy.
Don’t be concerned that non of that will save the world from humanity.
It’s just one way of ‘doing’ and Being’ at the same time.
Thich is right,
We all tend to be overly concerned with … ‘doing’…
There are countless ways to both.
When one is in the rapture of doing something they really love…
The little ‘self’ they think is in control… the ego…
Tends to become disembodied from the equation of doing…
No longer does it feel like “I am” doing something, like…
Enjoying the beauty of a flower…
Noticing how the fragrance seems to effect our well being….
The sensations are just…
They can be all that pleasant, well being, visually beautiful….
It’s just that,
No longer is there an ego mind that incessantly generate endless biases, commentary, comparisons… and then runs away with an endless rants and ruminations…
Just peace.
Taking this perspective to it’s full Fruition will result in a wordless knowing that there really is no one in charge or in control of everything.
Our true being is not this body, mind or ego.
Nor is our True Nature depended on how humanity is senselessly choosing oblivion instead of infinite potential.
The planet and the universe and all other unknown universe…
Will be just fine without the self defeating nature of humanity.
Find that part of existence that is not effected by
the chaos that humanity collectively supports.
You will find that…
Everything is Always Already Alright…
Just as it is.
Be in love with what ever is…
And you’ll never be unsatisfied.
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