Conformity means that we suddenly flash onto a way of
perceiving the whole of our experiential reality completely, directly,
and perfectly clearly.
We attain to Conformity Knowledge, in which we effortlessly, naturally,
simultaneously, and totally comprehend two of the three characteristics –
Impermanence, Dissatisfactoriness, and No-self
of our entire sense field including space, consciousness,
and everything else in that volume as an integrated whole.

Meditation master Bill Hamilton used to describe Conformity as
the moment when all of the centers of attention in the brain
suddenly synchronize and converge perfectly on one complete moment.
This song is performed in the Hawaiian slack key of D Wahine.
View on YouTube with inspiring Hawaiian Sailing Photos
From my
The Progress of Insight
Inspired by Daniel Ingram’s book Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha,
With this section “The progress of Insight”
Inspired by Mahasi Sayadaw