At the stage of Desire for Deliverance,
we are fed up with basically everything, often including dharma practice,
but at a level that transcends mere suicidal thoughts,
though definitely it may include such thoughts for an unfortunate few.
It will likely pass soon enough;
you need to stay alive so you can get to the good stuff, and
Desire for Deliverance is very close to the good stuff.
A profound resolution to push onward can arise at this stage,
driven by our powerful frustration and the powerful compassion in it.
we make the last push for freedom,
the push against the seemingly impenetrable wall of…
DESIRE FOR DELIVERANCE – 9th Stage of Insights – Part 5 of THE DARK NIGHT
View on YouTube with inspiring Hawaiian Sailing Photos
The Progress of Insight
Inspired by Daniel Ingram’s book Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha,
With this section “The progress of Insight”
Inspired by Mahasi Sayadaw