“Zenfully Quool Quotes”
Currently featuring “The Art of Living”
By Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh
Enter into a deep relationship with the present moment
that embraces limitless time and limitless space.
The past and the future are right here in the present moment.
God, nirvana, the cosmic body, are available.
The moment becomes an eternal, fulfilled moment.
Where is your father, your mother, your grandfather or grandmother?
Right here in the present moment.
Where are your children, grandchildren, and future generations?
Where are “Jesus Christ” and the Buddha?
Where are love and compassion?
They are here.
They are not realities independent from our consciousness,
from our being, from our life.
They are not objects of hope or pursuit outside of us.
And where is heaven, the Kingdom of God?
ls also right here.
Everything we are looking for, everything we want to experience,
has to happen right here in the present moment.
The future is merely an idea, an abstract notion.
Only the present moment is real.
If we continue to hold on to a dream for something in the future,
we lose the present moment.
And if we lose the present,
we lose everything.
We lose freedom, peace, joy, and the opportunity to touch the Kingdom of God,
to touch nirvana.

Zenfully Quool Quotes Quommentary
by rog
A lot of open-minded Mindful people that have a profound compassion
for improving the human condition that has been exponentially harshed
by the majority that is repeatedly falling for infinite stupid…
are now ‘beside themselves’ with grief.
Exactly one month ago,
the American people were given the choice between moving forward
and moving backward.
The former promised economic opportunity for all and prosperity
based upon the greatest good for the largest number,
while the latter was a return to
chaos, fear, anger, and hate.
Knowing full well the disorder and dysfunction during the first go around,
Americans close a return to what they knew
rather than the future they were uncertain of.
Rather than choosing the best and the brightest to run
the essential departments of government,
the president-elect has nominated a cast of ill-qualified sycophants
who will do his bidding regardless of its legality
and devastation to the human condition.
I soon found solace in…
I had been one of those mindful compassionate folks
that had high hopes for humanity.
It became a challenge not to be ‘crippled with compassion’.
Like a genuine musical genius friend of mind told me many years ago
after to just giving up trying to earn a living in music…
He said:
Once I finally hit rock bottom…
“ I just give up! All the stress goes away”.
Maybe not all the stress,
He started driving a cab.
Once he earned enough to buy some crack…
He was so high, he left the planet and all his troubles…
He was very close to death.
His friends intervened and shipped ass back home to his grandparents farm.
They bought him new music production gear… that he pawned to buy crack…
He became very successful within a few years,
bought a house in Nashville where he created a thriving career.
I have always had high hopes for humanity.
It is pointed out by human growth psychologists and philosophers…
That this planet already has enough resources so that
no one needs to go hungry, starve and die senselessly horrific deaths.
Each day up to 21,000 people starve and die horrific deaths.
This is so unnecessary,
And yet…
We don’t seem to care enough collectively to change that.
In fact,
We keep voting in “leaders” that just make it worse
while they line their pockets with more resources and money for them selves.
That’s reality.
To argue with reality is a sure way towards that niffy straight jacket
and a padded cell…
Or worse…
Dying alone in a gutter somewhere which seem to be all the rage these daze.
In spiritual philosophy,
It is ‘Zenfull’ to remain in equanimity
despite all the chaos of the materialistic world.
Our ‘True Nature’ is:
Peace, Love, Joy, Bliss… and when perfected
by dropping the veils our egos put up to mislead us from our True Nature…
We abide unperturbed in equanimity.
To help take away the stress of being concerned about humanity’s fate…
Know that,
Our True Nature,
the eternal part will remain unaffected by whether or not humanity survives.
So called Heaven or Nirvana
does not depend on how foolish we collectively choose
to render humanity to extinction.
The best thing one can do for all others…
Is to become Enlightened…
at least strive to attain the highest state of human consciousness as possible.
The closer one gets to this Ultimate fruition…
The more one naturally radiates a calm abiding
that naturally gives hope, reassurance and inspiration to all others
regardless if they are mindful of your presents or not.
Quite a lot of people will live their whole lives
in an unconscious state of mindless numbness.
You can’t reach everyone.
But for most people,
You will express in your natural presents
those qualities that will make a difference.
But you can’t help anyone if you are crippled with compassion.
Let it go…
Let it be.
Surender into your True Nature.
Take a break from the rat race.
Regain your ‘center’.
And just….
“Zenfully Quool Quotes”
Currently featuring “The Art of Living”
By Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh
My aim is to present
a deeper, higher, wider, non-theological perspective
into common sense Spirituality
that most of us folks raised in the ‘west’ never get introduced to,
to fulfill life’s most intriguing questions…
I find it’s best to combine all
Non-theological common sense spiritual perspectives
that point towards helpful solutions to life’s challenges, while
answering the most profound philosophical questions…
What is the True Nature of my Being.
What is my place in this life and the ‘Timeless wonder of it all’.
How to creatively fulfill my full creative potential…
And thus…
Make sense of this life that often seems…