Everything changes by SOJA –.
This song speaks about social and financial injustices of all humanity.
Some are born into money and get richer…
“while most of us are chasing down a dream that we just can’t reach.”
Humanity should have transcended from a life of challenging defiance’s
to a life of abundance where no one ever goes hungry or lacks basic human needs…
There is more than enough resources on this planet
and enough smart people to make this transition possible…
But we are stuck on stupid.

We allow demagogue politicians to mis-inform the mentally vulnerable into distracting rhetoric
that has nothing to do with increasing the welfare of the human condition.
They offer only the big ‘FU’ and turn ourselves against each other
in a fury of meaningless non-sequitur rage.
~ ~ ~
The United States of American is now the dumbed down ‘Divided states of aughMurica’.
With no concern for improving the human condition…
only to divide, conquer and run our country into the ground
for short term gain for the already super rich,
while the homeless die on our streets,
the poor become the new homeless and the once middle class now slides into poverty.
It is a self-defeating mode of representation that we find ourselves hopeless stuck with.
Helping the poor is not about just giving the downtrodden a free hand out.
It is this unevolved limited view
that keeps our homeless problem continuing to get worse each year.
We must collectively consider the big picture,
the view of a sustainable way for humanity to grow towards that existence of abundance.
By helping people get more free education when they are young, then ensuring
there are countless opportunities to have creatively fulfilling career opportunities.
Once we establish a more mindful approach to our society’s challenges,
there won’t be a homeless problem.
But there are too many demagogue politicians
that are not trained to be humanist nor social engineers…
most of the gop is only concerned about the political power
and the personal gains that come with it.
We all need to do our best to reach out to those that are being duped…
Perhaps if a true friend can find a way to talk some reason into their friends
that are voting against their very own best interests…
while undermining of their children’s children’s future…
Maybe if enough of ‘we the people’ can pull ourselves from
this self-defeating mode of representation,
we can then again have hope for our children’s future.
~ ~ ~
If at least 10% of our population could grow enough of a heart, mind, soul and consciousness… That would be all we’d need for the classic societal “tipping point” towards a better life for all. ~ ~ ~
I live on a catamaran that we sail throughout the Hawaiian Islands.
Here I just set up two basic mics, one pointed towards the guitar, the other towards the voice. The wind was blowing and the seas were a wee bit lumpy…
But please enjoy my musical offering and words of hope.