Follow The Heart

Man and soul. Yoga lotus pose meditation on nebula galaxy background. Zen, spiritual well-being

This post is inspired the wonderfully written post by:


Your heart is the key to your dreams

Below, I take it further into the deepest aspects of…

Non Theological Common Sense


People often have a deep, intrinsic understanding of

their true desires and aspirations.

Ignoring these inner feelings can lead to feelings of unfulfillment

and disconnection from oneself.

Recognizing and expressing these desires

can lead to greater satisfaction and alignment with one’s

true self.

The heart may reveal wants that are not immediately obvious

or that seem contradictory to surface-level beliefs.

These hidden desires can be surprising,

as they might not align with our logical expectations

or what we think we should want.


they often stem from our deepest passions and true nature,

which are sometimes obscured by societal expectations, fear,

or self-doubt.

Listening to and acting on one’s inner voice

can foster a sense of purpose and inner peace.

Expressing true desires requires courage

and can lead to unexpected opportunities and personal growth.

Trusting in one’s inner voice helps create a life that is in harmony

with one’s true passions and potential.


I take it further into the deepest aspects of…


I agree that it is important to find

Conventional meaning’ to this life…

All but the fully enlightened,

need to be able to find a way to

fulfill their ego-mind-body’s creative ‘being’…


On a deeper spiritual ‘Path’…

One needs to determine, what is the ego’s needs…


What is the True Path…

To the ‘wordless Wisdoms’ experienced in

the natural higher states of consciousness

through the depths of “Insight meditation”.

I have found that,

the highest goal of Enlightenment

is the goal a truly inspired ‘aspirant’

needs to be concerned with.

All else is… trivial.

Like the identity that ‘we’ mistake our ‘selves’ to be…

These egoic ‘passions’ will not bear the ‘fruit’ of our highest ‘passions’.

Along our ‘Path’…

We can learn to … discriminate.

Knowing that:

All beings created in this life…

Will inherently face … a lifetime of challenges.

How one suffers or is effected by them is a measure of

how well we can perceive it all…

in the non dual perspective of

allowing boundless space …

Each of these challenges has a degree of severity

based on how profoundly it effects one’s ability

to live a reasonable life.

Just starting a journey to discover the wordless Wisdoms of …

‘just knowing’…

Achieved by a process of

thinning out the mind’s distractions long enough…

to the point that…

When enough of the mind’s many sub groups,

inspired by the various physical senses…


the countless spin offs of the mind’s sub consciousness sub groups…

The more of these mental sub sets…

that become ‘aligned with one’s conscious intention…


the breath…


A deeper level of ‘awareness’ becomes a natural option…

Only requires continuing the effort of focus-concentration…

Long enough for the ‘effortless’ part to take over.

This is the spiritual aspect of what GoldenInsights

Presents in a ‘conventional’ ego-mind-body perspective:

“Your heart is the key to your dreams”

In the very deep end of a true

non-theological common sense Spiritual Path…

There is a phase or stage in which one drops

the tangle form of a meditational object…

Typically the breath…

And transcends to direct Awareness to

the formless or objectless meditation focus.

When this process begins…

One’s meditation profoundly moves towards a

peaceful, easy, joyful, happy flow.

The body becomes pacified…

it no longer offers up any distractions of un-comfort.

The mind becomes all that joy…

It feels like love.

To fall in love with this new ‘flow state’…

Is to “Follow the Heart”.

Sri Ramana MaharshiSri Ramana Maharshi Follow the Heart

This becomes,

the beginning of entering

the highest states of human consciousness.

To get to a point that these higher ‘Jhana’ states can be…


One has to be in a ‘place in life’


at a very deep nature that

distractions can be as they are and moved on quickly…


Maintain the highest form of ‘Equanimity’.

This is the highest goal of any ‘Path’.


In the meantime…

Golden Insights statements are very important in the

conventional‘ aspect of our ‘human nature..

as opposed to the absolute ‘True Nature’ of our ‘higher Self.

Fulfilling one’s creative being, is perhaps

the most important pursuit one should be true too.

To be True to “one’s Self”…

is to at least acknowledge that a

personal inquiry into one’s True Self

is the inspiration required to put in the “Right Effort”

to more understand the big picture.


often to get there.,.

Life goes on…


will often derail our attempts at understanding

… and…


Our limited wee brain systems looses

it’s depth of focus for ‘Insight meditation’….


All other aspects of our “Practice”

can be done with our ‘conventional minds’.

John Yates, AKA Culadasa…

was a neuro scientist, psychologist, and

a lifelong meditation mentor… points out

how the mind systems work…

It proves that:

“We”… are not in charge

and certainly not in control.

What we thought about the “Me”

within this ego-mind-body…

This test has been repeated countless times…

While hooked up in an MRI…

They compared the timing to when event or

a question is presented


when the part of the brain ‘registers’ a response.

They compare that time with when the subject

presses a button when they consciously know the answer.

Each time,

The decision has been ‘sub’ consciously made,

long before the conscious part of awareness can start to observe…

delayed by the time it takes for each mental senses

and such to create a response agenda….

Knowing that,

by the time ‘we’ are consciously aware of something…

Our sub consciousness mind has already determined a response.

Much like when…

If we reach out to pick up a water pot

we thought was not hot … but,

it it is boiling hot…

“We” drop if faster than

‘we’ even knew what was going on.

It is these sub minds,

built by the aspects of the mind…

Are what that “Inner voice” comes from and or speaks to.

Once one’s life is in harmony with their passions…

the potential is always limitless.

Once one finds that harmony…

The True Path and journey can begin.


Our highest desires and ‘passions’ are…

‘the Path’.


The potentials limitless.

With this volition…

Our highest passions can be naturally fulfilled.

When our ‘Inner voice’ speaks…

The evolved mind can ask:

Are these ego driven suggestions…


inspirations that lead to deeper ‘Insights’.

This small act of discrimination…

Leads to the ultimate Fruition of…



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The Start of 2020

Our business was doing great, but we still couldn’t afford to buy a house or a condo. Renting in Maui for another 30 years was not an option we wanted to take. Then, Bobbie Jo suggested we buy a sailboat that is comfortable to cruise and live in. By the end of January, we started looking for our new home.

After a long search, we found our dream boat in Mazatlan, Mexico. COVID-19 was not yet a concern when our boat hunt began, but masks were starting to appear at airports by the time we flew to Mazatlan. Originally, we had planned to get the boat ready as fast as possible to cover a full calendar for the busy wedding season. However, it was apparent our business was going to tank amid the pandemic, and the struggle went on until the end of the year.

Luckily, we scored an awesome condo for only $19 a day at Mazatlan. On the 10th day of our stay, we received the news that all harbors will be closed the next Monday morning. We thought we’d be stuck in Mexico longer, but another sailor advised us to leave before sunrise.

We felt the adrenalin of escaping the Mexican harbor master just before the sun rose that faithful day. The seas were rough as waves were building up in the tight channel that led us to the open ocean. We ended up anchored off an adorable little isle just a mile offshore. We enjoyed cruising to many spectacular anchorages and cute villages on our way to Puerto Vallarta, where we would depart for Maui on May 7. On May 30, 2020, we completed our 24-day passage from Mexico to Maui.