Perspectives of Human conscious growth and spiritual Awakening.

World renown philosopher Ken Wilber, brilliantly combines the essential stages of

Growing Up and ‘ Waking Up ‘, inspiring a fully integrated in depth understanding of

our psychological developmental stages along with our Spiritual Awakening.

For the first time in history,

these two growth stages have been brilliantly ‘ Integrated ‘ to help achieve

the highest fulfillment in both Human development and Spiritual Awakening.

Sages have been writing Spiritual Wisdoms for 1000′ s of years,

but the Western psychology studies of Human developmental growth

has only been around for the last 100 years.

Learning about the ‘Eight Human Developmental Stage Growth Levels’ below

will help you Identify the general degree of ‘ Growth Development ‘ that some,

including one’s own self, are operating at.

If you have ever wondered why people behave the way, they do . . .

Why do certain people and occasionally ourselves, to a certain degree,

act so . . . Self – centered, egotistical, or egocentric

They can’t put themselves in another’s shoes –

They can only love themselves and cannot grasp the perspectives of others.

The ability to take the perspective of others

is a major metric of one’s psychological growth stage.

~ ~ ~

Why do certain groups of ‘ Ethnocentric ‘ people only love ones in their group,

but could not care less for all others.

~ ~ ~

The average person is generally operating at a certain stage level

with a number of ‘ traits ‘ above and below their main level perspective.

Higher traits represent our best qualities, while lower traits represent ‘ issues ‘

that have not been fully ‘ transcended ‘.

These ‘ Disowned or Repressed ‘ issues, become what psychologists refer to as

‘Shadow ‘ influences, or ‘ Hidden mental roadmaps ‘ of how we perceive,

relate to, respond, and interact with our perceived ‘ world ‘.

~ ~ ~

It is common to be frustrated with those that are acting out with

lower stage level traits, or whole groups of people that are collectively

operating at disturbingly lower stages, like tRump supporters.

~ ~ ~

Human development stages are somewhat like levels of schooling.

As a child grows up, their behavior develops in a reasonable manner

that is consistent with the grade levels they are in.

Never would you have a 12th grader expect a 1st grade class to know geometry or

act like a 12th grader . . .

If we take this perspective towards those operating at lower stage levels, we can

‘stand back a bit ‘ and realize that these people currently can’t help the way they act,

they are stuck at these levels or slow to learn the wisdoms that would cure their ignorance and narrow – minded behaviors along with the self-defeating social hinderances

that keep the human condition in dire straits.

The ‘ thing ‘ about development stages, is that you can’t skip stages,

at best you can accelerate the learning curve, but patience, tolerance and understanding

is all we can do while we wait for ‘ Higher Inspirations ‘ to arise

in the conscious of those at lower stages.

Each morning I tell myself to abide in the boundless space of my True Nature

that allows all beings and situations to be as they are without effecting my well being.

~ Developmental Growth Stages ~

Level 1 Infra – Red – Archaic

We all spend the first 18 months of our lives at this stage.

We were collectively at this level 1.8 million years ago up to 200,000 years ago;

a ‘ food ‘ driven modus operando was the center of our existence.

Currently, a lot of people still have un – resolved ‘ food ‘ issues with about

40 % of the US population overweight with 30 % obesely overweight,

plus the untold amount of other ‘ food ‘ disorders.

Level 2 Magenta – Magic Tribal

Humans were at this level soon after we hopped down from the monkey trees around 200,000 years ago and began evolving up to the next level about 50,000 years ago.

We now typically begin this stage at around 18 months old and began evolving up

to the next level around 3 or 4 years old.

Beginning to make that fundamental distinction between self and other

on an emotional and feeling level, and so, one at this level can genuinely begin

to tell the difference between its own self and its surroundings.

This stage, level 2, is often called ” impulsive ” or ” magical ” or

” emotional – sexual ” because the basic emotions especially start developing here

along with the separate self. It’s called ” impulsive ” because

it’s dominated by “immediate gratification“.

It hasn’t had the chance to develop many control capacities, and so,

any desire that arises, it wants them fulfilled right now !

The Classic . . . “I Want what I Want, and I Want It Now!

When a person gets older but stays ‘arrested at this stage,

it becomes a challenge for the rest of humanity.

Level 3 Red – Power Magic Mythic

One becomes more and more aware of its tenuous separate existence,

and starts to worry about its own safety, security, and self – protection . . .

after all, it’s now separate from the big bad world out there, as recourse,

it develops a strong set of power drives.

This is often called the ” self – protective, ” ” security, ” ” safety, ” ” power, ” or “

opportunistic ” stage . . .

Whatever they want is what is right, and they set about to simply take it,

society be damned, they are after all, in their mentally vulnerable minds . . .

Power Gods.

It sees the world as a survival of the fittest; the biggest and strongest win;

Do it to somebody else before they do it to you; it’s a law of the jungle,

a dog – eat – dog world.

This is what is called ” narcissistic ” or ” egocentric, ” which means

the self is stuck in a 1st – person, ” me / mine ” perspective.

They literally can’t yet take the role of another;

can’t put itself in somebody else’s shoes and feel what they are feeling . . .

Can’t take a perspective other than their own.

When ” leaders ” like tRump are stuck in this stage, no amount of personal wealth

will allow him to transcend to Deeper human growth levels.

When they have billions to play with, the mentally vulnerable of our society

becomes their psychologically twisted toy to the detriment of the human condition.

Level 4 Amber – Mythic Traditional

This next major stage of development, is also called the ” conventional, “

” conformist, ” ” mythic – membership, ” ” diplomat, ” or ” belongingness ” stage.

The self can indeed begin to take the role of other, and thus,

its identity can expand from its own self … to belongingness in various groups –

its family, its clan, its tribe, its nation, its religion, its political party, and so on . . .

Which is referred to as the switch from an ” egocentric

to an ” ethnocentric ” identity.

A switch from ” me – focused ” to ” us – focused ” or ” group – focused. “

This is a very important switch.


those in this stage are trapped in a vicious cycle that will

perpetuate war, strife and dis-harmony with the strong mottos of most countries:

“My country right or wrong”. ” My religion right or wrong “. “

My ethnocentric narrow view against the world . . . Right or WRONG! ! ! ! “

This level is stuck in this Divide and Conquer mentality.

– Very self-defeating and limiting Modus operandi.

Level 5 Orange – Rational Modern

At this very next higher level, the emergence of the next higher perspective,

a 3rd – person perspective, or

the capacity to take an ‘ Objective,

Scientific, Universal Perspective ‘ and thus

the switch in identity from a local ethnocentric identity,

to a universal or global world centric identity occurs.

A switch from ” us ” . . . to ” all of us. “

This stage is marked by A formal operational awareness.

Thought operating on thought . . .

It is often referred with names such as reason, rationality, formal operational, conscientious, achievement, excellence, self-esteem . . .

Self-esteem needs emerge at this level because a 3rd – person perspective means

the individual can stand back from themselves, so to speak,

and form an objective opinion about themselves.

Level 6 Green – Pluralist Postmodern.

This stage was ushered in with the student revolutions of the ‘ 60s.

Starting in May 1968, Paris, which then spread around the world and

eventually fleshed out movements only barely begun with the Enlightenment,

including the important Civil rights movement in America,

The massive environmental movement Worldwide,

feminism on a personal and professional level, and multiculturalism in general.

Where orange rational modernity introduced a 3rd – person perspective,

this new stage – known variously as:

pluralistic, postmodern, relativistic, sensitive, individualistic, multicultural

which also came with the emergence of a 4th – person perspective . . .

The capacity to reflect on, and criticize, 3rd – person perspectives, including science.

Leading to a multitude of different or pluralistic views. And

Pluralism ” –

The belief in many different but equally important approaches to reality

can be taken to its limit, where it becomes . . .

” Relativism “

The belief that there are only multiple approaches,

with absolutely no universal or globally unified approaches –

no ” Big Pictures ” that are true for everybody,

just local, culturally constructed beliefs.

Here is where everyone’s opinion is considered equal . . .

But this begins to point out the self – contradicting and vicious cycle

this stage is challenged with:

Hitler’s opinion is just a s valid a Mother Teresa,

the town drunk’s opinion is equal to the mayor’s . . .

We have Nukes so . . . Terrorist and radical countries that hate us for mythic religious reasons, should have Nukes too . . .

” It’s only fair “.

There are no master opinions except ours that state there are no master opinions.

In short,

they claim that it is universally true, that there are no universal truths.

They give a very Big Picture about why all Big Pictures are not true.

By claiming that theirs is a superior view . . .

But they also claim that there are no superior views anywhere.



this tendency to self – contradiction must be watched in any postmodern movement

or idea Including if it shows up in you . . . as we’ll see.

It creates a political correctness to a Fault . . .

with a self-defeating vicious cycle

that blocks progress towards improving the human condition.

 Level 7 Turquoise – 2cd – Tier Integral

Only a few decades ago developmentalists began to notice the emerging of this

‘Highly Integrated Level ‘.

Abraham Maslow had called 1st tier – ” deficiency needs “,

and 2nd tier – ” Being needs “.

The 1st-tier levels are Partial, narrow, excluding, separative, and

driven by deficiencies.

2nd-tier levels are Inclusive, embracing, comprehensive, integral, and

driven by abundance.

This is the end process of Tier One Growing Up.

This level represents the very highest structures of conscious that has evolved thus far.

At the same time,

we are Spiritually approaching the end process of ‘ Waking Up ‘.

Level 7 Turquoise Integral –

Begins the 2cd – Tier of Human Conscious Awareness.

This Turquoise Integral stage empowers one to fully utilize

the strongest aspects of the previous stages,

building creative and inspirational ways towards the benefit for All.

~ ~ ~

As we head down a new path of radically increasing:

Consciousness, love, care, concern, morality, creativity, solidarity, trust,

universal human bonding and uniting . . .


opening the doors directly to an Integral medicine

that addresses the complete human,

an Integral education that educates across all quadrants, all levels, all lines, all states,

all types, and thus

Educates the full and whole human being for the first time in all of our history;

A unity – in – diversity

that leads directly to opening the doors to a truly World Federation.

Not in a World Federation itself,

but in each member state, organization, and partner.

Thinking and feeling are brought together and tightly integrated at this stage,

so that both the head and the heart become equally important.

~ At this stage ~

“Mind and body are both experiences of an integrated self”.

You will be inspired to view all things in a Global perspective.

Gaining better wisdom of how all things are interwoven

and to consider the most efficient solutions as Inspired by World-centric motivations.

Level 8 White – 3rd – Tier Super –

Integral The end process of ‘ Level 7 – Turquoise, 2cd – Tier Integral is

Growing Up“.

This represents the very highest structures of conscious that has evolved thus far.

At the same time, we are Spiritually approaching the end process of “Waking Up”.

We are naturally on a Path that will be moving from the

‘Pure Witnessing Awareness and True Self ‘, to beyond . . .

Towards the ever – present state of ‘Ultimate Nondual Unity Consciousness’.

The direct ‘ Is – ness of this ‘ever – present pure Now – moment’,

embracing all time, Past, Present, and Future

In the ongoing endless ‘ nunc stans ‘ or the all – embracing endless Present,

and that pure timeless One Taste of unity consciousness.

This means . . .

The entire universe is arising within you.

Supernovas are exploding in your brain;

the stars light up the neurons of your awareness;

the rain beats rhythm within the pulsing of your heart;

the clouds float through the awareness of your own pure Consciousness;

you swallow the Pacific Ocean in a single gulp and

enwrap the Kosmos in the actual lining of your very own Being.

Welcome . . . Welcome home!

This is your True Nature!

If this loftily talk seems to be somewhere

beyond your comprehension or understanding . . .

Then you are normal and like most,

In fact:

Less than 1 / 10th of 1 % of the world is truly at this

Ultimate ‘ Non – dual ‘ Spiritual perspective.

This level offers complete liberation from all pain and suffering

and a pure contentedness that is undeterred by anything in this material world.

For all the rest of us,

with just a short stroll down this ‘ Path ‘,

we immediately feel like ‘ we are on to something ‘ . . .

It feels natural in the simplest of ways,

and we also immediately feel a subtle relief of our own pain and suffering . . .

This subtle feeling becomes a very profound feeling,

not too much further down this ‘ Path ‘.

If more than 10% of our population were evolved to the

Level 7 Turquoise – 2cd – Tier Integral stage…

It would become the classic ‘tipping point’ in which an avalanche of intelligent common sense and unconditional love would turn the tide of humanity.

We would transcend from our current existence of endless challenges and deficiencies…

To an existence of Abundance.

A world in which we all just get along.

No one disenfranchised.

World peace, the end of poverty, the end of famine and wars.

Humanity could finally enter the stage of life that would allow each of us a chance to fulfill their creative human nature.

If you would like to become part of a higher perspective of being an ‘Evolutionist’…

The knowledge that you would learn will help you help others that are stuck on stupid.

Even if you can’t get the ‘pigs to sing’ and consider the bigger picture for humanities sake and our children’s children…

Knowing why people act and do as they do… will go a long way towards an understanding that will at least offer some relief of the conundrum the chaos of life currently imposes on all of us.

Check out the countless wisdoms of Ken Wilber and large and growing numbers of highly evolved teachers for a better humanity.

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The Start of 2020

Our business was doing great, but we still couldn’t afford to buy a house or a condo. Renting in Maui for another 30 years was not an option we wanted to take. Then, Bobbie Jo suggested we buy a sailboat that is comfortable to cruise and live in. By the end of January, we started looking for our new home.

After a long search, we found our dream boat in Mazatlan, Mexico. COVID-19 was not yet a concern when our boat hunt began, but masks were starting to appear at airports by the time we flew to Mazatlan. Originally, we had planned to get the boat ready as fast as possible to cover a full calendar for the busy wedding season. However, it was apparent our business was going to tank amid the pandemic, and the struggle went on until the end of the year.

Luckily, we scored an awesome condo for only $19 a day at Mazatlan. On the 10th day of our stay, we received the news that all harbors will be closed the next Monday morning. We thought we’d be stuck in Mexico longer, but another sailor advised us to leave before sunrise.

We felt the adrenalin of escaping the Mexican harbor master just before the sun rose that faithful day. The seas were rough as waves were building up in the tight channel that led us to the open ocean. We ended up anchored off an adorable little isle just a mile offshore. We enjoyed cruising to many spectacular anchorages and cute villages on our way to Puerto Vallarta, where we would depart for Maui on May 7. On May 30, 2020, we completed our 24-day passage from Mexico to Maui.