The older we get, the more loved ones we’ve known…
are passing on.
Know that you don’t have to wait to die and hope to go to a mythic place
where they say you’ll be reunited with your loved one…
You are already inseparable from their essence…
It’s just the veils we create as perceived individuals in this life
mask this inherent nature of our Divine One-ness.
the day we too get to flat line out of this material world
of stressful drama and go ‘Home’…
that does seem like it will be a blessing to finally be done
with the crazy challenges of this world…
We should know,
or at least strive to somehow understand
that our true nature was never born, nor will it die.
Our bodies, mind and ego… those will die,
But it will never effect our True Divine Nature.
If one really wants to know if they will ever reunite somehow
with their transcended loved ones…
The first step is to contemplate one’s own True Self.
Very early on this Path,
one will realize that we are much more than just these
bodies, mind, and egos…
This Self enquiry will wordlessly reveal the Grace
that removes such pain and suffering,
by rendering them as of ‘no concern’.
Just as with the profound questions a child might have…
As an adult,
those very questions are rendered as naïve childish perspectives …
and of no concern.
So too will one’s contemplation of Self enquiry.
Neti-Neti… mean not this, not that…
Once we strip away all material things
that are obviously not “us”…
A true feeling will be revealed, that… Everything is…
Always Already Alright!
Aside from becoming fully Enlightened…
There is nothing in this life that can give us any way to relate to
what it will ultimately be like to be just Be…
Pure Awareness or Pure Consciousness.
But rest assured…
It will be as natural as the falling rain.