House – by Trevor Hall
Hear this song and some stunning photos taken while sailing the west side Lanai, Hawaii as we start to approach Manele bay.
In the Hindu traditions, an aspirant will spend months at an ashram gaining spiritual Wisdoms and gaining spiritual momentum.
There is a season that follows the yearly monsoons that the serious seekers will embark on a pilgrimage on foot. During one part of the Sadhana, they will travel South… the other part will be a journey to the North.
There is a ritual in that one is to be naked and covered with ash.
During these deep transcendental states of consciousness…
Wisdoms are said to be revealed in lucid dreams.

When this or any deeply practiced meditations lead to the higher states of human consciousness, an experience of profound well-being is felt. There is an undeniable sense of ‘Oneness’ that renders what we once thought to be ourselves as… not our True Self. This state of ‘Turiya’… It feels like the ‘God’ state.
In this state, what we once naively thought of as “God”… is completely transcended with an understanding the Absolute Reality.
‘House’ – this song mentions what one can expect the ‘Absolute’ to be like, similar to what Buddhists call Nirvana.
It’s not a ‘place’ to go to… it’s simply a perspective.
When one fully understands this perspective, the pain and suffering most of us inherently endure becomes a complete non-issue, as the realization that our True nature never was born, never gets old or dies.
Ask yourself,
What is the constant in all our states of consciousness?
You will notice that it is … awareness.
Contemplate what is it that is aware… of being aware.
When fully understood in the wordless Wisdoms of deep mediation,
You’ll know that…
I Am That.
These photos in this video were taken while sailing the west side Lanai, Hawaii as we start to approach Manele bay.