A person had this question:
How long from first time meditation will one graduate
to something as high as kundalini awakening?
I have just started my meditation journey
but haven’t been very successful.
Mind is never concentrating for more than a few minutes,
I tried a lot.
Too much chatter, thoughts, distractions, feeling sleepy, itching sensation
sometimes like the body itself is trying to distract me.
How do I get proper concentration and
does long meditation feel like a trance?
I’m 63,
I first started meditating in my early teens,
at first just from a sort of natural inclination and form…
for about 5 years of earnest effort.
20 years of exciting but distracting careers…
I then kept refining my spiritual practice ‘groove’…
To stay in the ‘flow states’… “I am”, the now moment…
Just to be ok with ‘now’…
instead of the past or future…
There were times to contemplate the future
based on past experiences…
Just this…
Is an import part of the ‘process’.
Each ‘sit’ you do, indeed adds to one’s ability
to become ‘one-pointed’ focus conentration.
There naturally comes a point along ‘the Path’….
That the once great effort it required to stay on point…
slides into…
An effortless flow.
These “flow” states, often called ‘Jhana’…
Result from the ability to stay very interested in
the chosen ‘object’ of meditation.
The breath.
To make the breath more interesting…
Become aware of the subtle life force prana energy
that flows along with the breath….
Focusing your awareness…
You begin to feel the tingling sensations of Qi or chi
flow through and or build up at the chakras…
The key to it all…
Is to become ‘one pointed’ in focused concentration.
You are setting intentions consciously to gain control of our
un-conscious mind systems…
The more of the many mind systems that experience a person’s ‘one pointed’ non distracting …
not paying attention to those distractions…
This is where the fun stuff starts:.
This is where the effort becomes…
It’s like…
Floating off on a cosmic raft.
Your ‘object’ of meditation is no longer a materialistic object…
Now it’s just the lovingly blissful feeling of …
This whole process…
From the first meditation …
To the final fruition of ‘the Path’….
Is natural.
Each breath…
During each ‘ever present moment’…
Will be…
One breath closer to Liberation.
Be at peace with that…
And then,
During the busy daytime…
Find reasonable flow…
And then
Surrender into it.
With a trust that…
It’s OK to not be in control…
That misbelief of thinking there’s some sort of ‘self’ inside ‘us’
that is confidently in control…
During these deep ‘insight’ meditations…
One will eventually shine a light on that mis-perception.
You will loose the misperception that there is a little self
that is ‘calling all the shots’… like this make believe,
non existent identity is real…
The mind and body seem to become…
No thinking can arise in these states.
Only once the intense ‘Insight’ Jhana meditation
comes to a natural end…
The mind starts to slowly come back to life…
Is in the ‘Parvastha’… afterglow of these Jhanas…
The hire states of consciousness.
That the mind begin to contemplate the experience…
Just… be.
Without expectations…
The process will unfold natural…
It took me a few solid years of devoting my self to ‘the Practice’…
With no expectations…
They only become diversions.
That was after decades of casual practice…
Just go with the natural ‘flow’…
Read SantataGaman’s books about kundalini…
I spent almost 3 years earnestly focused in this way…
It’s not anything mystical…
like a coiled snake literally rises from your core chakra…
these techniques make being ‘one pointed’…
It’s hard core focused concentration…
It’s easy compared to sitting and keeping stray thoughts from bothering a blank mind….
There will come a point when you just…
Even the Kriya’s and kundalini…
Where ‘the Path’ is going…
Is beyond these techniques…
It’s like,
Taking off the training wheels…
It’s effortless…
One still has to have every aspect of life aligned in that flow…
It becomes…