Our Luv Story? …. well,
we met last September quite unexpectedly.
We immediately connected on a very spiritual level.
We have been together ever since.
Just four months later; however,
I left for California on a travel nurse assignment
and we have pretty much been apart ever since.
Everyone was pretty skeptical about our relationship
since we were only together for four short months
before I moved across the country!
But we made it work.
There has never been a moment of doubt,
I don’t think either of us have really ever felt alone…
we made a choice to remain free and open.
We are with one another in everything that we do
even though we are thousands of miles apart.
Last winter I planned and paid for a trip to Ireland in May.
I gave it to Ryan as a promise that we would make it through three months apart.
I just knew that we would make it through and emerge stronger and more connected.
And we did.
In May we left for a two-week trip of Ireland and it was during our last week there
at the Cliffs of Moher that he proposed.
It was so beautiful.
Sadly, left for Maui the first of June for another assignment and again we are apart,
separated this time by an entire country and ocean.
You see, we live in South Georgia, which is where he still is.
He will be flying here to Maui on the 30th, and then on the 1st we will marry.
We definitely do not fit the mold, we are quite alternative.
We have many exciting and meaningful plans for our lives
that will make an impact on the greater good.
We are so excited to come together before God and all of His beauty
to say our vows to one another and to him.
I think what we want to show people, is that lasting love knows no bounds,
that when you make a choice to
jump off the edge of the fear you have created in your own mind,
when you force yourself to,
fling open the gates you have placed on the most intimate parts of your heart,
you can love this life and other people unconditionally.
I suppose that is why we wanted to marry here on Maui, alone on the beach.
We recognized that having guests or a fancy venue did not reflect those beliefs.
After we are finished with pictures, I think we are going to
celebrate with a bottle of champagne on the beach and
we are going go for sushi under the stars that evening.
The things that are important to many people,
especially people of our generation, aren’t important to us.
What is important are
the vows we will promise to one another the day we join as husband and wife.
It is a very special day us and we are excited you are a part of it!
Kayla & Ryan Luv Story Blessing
Love your Spirit!
For each Soul created beholds one’s own Path.
When two true Soul mates connect,
the ‘non-dual One-ness’ transcends the many miles.
Distance makes the heart grow fonder.
Your fondness to each other has grown to the point that you have both
‘Realized’ the True Nature of each other’s Souls.
Before, you had ‘Faith and Hope’, that a True Love would come along.
Now that it has blossomed into an Unconditional Love,
Your ‘Faith’ has now transcended into a Knowing
And the emotional worries of Hope have dissipated like a passing cloud.

Like a ripple on a pond,
your example of unconditional Love will indeed make the world a better place
I’m Blessed to be a part of your Marital Bliss!
My Mom was born and raised in Georgia…
life comes around full circle with the sacred circle and cycle of life.
Life often takes us un a journey that is impossible to see
‘beyond the bend of our perceptions. ‘
It is how well we are able to go with the flow and transcend the constant changes…
Which is a measure of our Higher Consciousness,
lessening of the pain and suffering we experience as a result from our otherwise
clinging, grasping and attempting to control change.
Let it go and just let it Be. With True Love…
The Future will take care of itself like an Enchanting Dream