We met in 2003 on a beautiful Spring day & truthfully,
I think we fell in love that moment.
We are very blessed & grateful for each other.
We have been through close family deaths, debilitating illnesses
and serious problems early on in our relationship.
Through it all, we became bonded so strong to one another
which makes our love for each other at our top priority in our life.
We lead our life together in a fun lighthearted way
and never take ourselves too seriously.
We enjoy the simplest of moments together
and never take those moments for granted.
We get angry infrequently but when we do, we make up quickly.
We are patient and kind to each other every day
and always tell one another I Love You at least 6 times a day!
I think that sums us up!
The renewal will be on our 14th anniversary
as we met in March 2003
& got married on Jim’s Birthday 6 1/2 months later on 10/10/03!
If you could mention that it’s his birthday that would be great too.
We are so looking forward to our renewal!

James & Stephanie Booth – Luv Story Blessing
You must have been at the right place at the right time…
On that spring day in 2003.
Together you have endured the most challenging of human experiences.
Often our most challenging struggles turn out to be
‘Doors to Transcendence’.
And through those soul shaking challenges,
a deeper Compassion was born.

Equanimity was required in order to keep an even keel during those times.
Unconditional Love was brought to the forefront of your Beings.
Joy would forevermore be witnessed in all its Glory
in every precious moment.
You have learned by experience, the Four Immeasurable Virtues.
Compassion, Joy, Loving kindness and Equanimity.
And it is obvious by your ‘glow’ and perspectives…
That it is serving you and everyone you meet well.
Your Luv Story sounds like the formula for living ‘Happily Ever After’,
1st Corinthians even mentions a line from Your Luv Story…
We are “patient and kind”…
And this day
starts the chapter in your Book of Love entitled,
“Living Happily Ever After”.

Happy Birthday Jim!
You get the best present every year with your
True Love anniversary
…and you’re not likely to forget your anniversary…
this could also be a formula for sustain Marital Bliss