Ready For A New Start

Ready to forget & forgive

Everyone that comes to Maui…

Whether it’s get Maui’d, have a Vow Renewal

or just a wild vacation…

Instantly feel the enchanting Romantic vibe of our Tropical Island.

Let these real-life Luv Stories and photos take you away…


Maui Marital Bliss!



Share yours!

Most real-life Luv Stories aren’t always

100% 24/7 as enchanting as a fairytale.

Just watch a few Disney shows…

Each one had horrendous challenges.

In real life…

us regular folks are challenged…

Often beyond what we think we can handle…


We do.

Sometimes we are tempted

beyond our ability to just ‘say no’…

I’ve always been into high fidelity audio…

An audiophile, as it were…


In that sense

I was never inclined towards “infidelity

Ha! 😉


I’d have to say that I’m lucky…

Lucky to have a look that’s just

slightly above below average…

Combined with my solitary preferences…

I don’t get out much.


Remaining faithful for me has never been a challenge.

But not everybody is blessed with such virtuous



In all the years we’ve been spreading Maui Marital Bliss

with Vow Renewals…

Everyone of them has had challenges of one kind or another.

I feel it’s a measure of how evolved one is…

To be able to humble their ego…

Forget the past trespasses


move on to deeper even more fulfilling futures.

For those people are truly blessed…


Ready for a new start.

Ready to forget & forgive.

A Luv Story Blessing – with Spiritual guidance

~ Live in the moment ~

Don’t ‘pine’ about the past,


Don’t fret about the future.

Each moment is a new beginning to a fresh start.

In fact…

The key to eternal Bliss…

Is to simply Be Content In the Moment.

It’s easy to be content for a moment…

Now work on being content within the

‘Ever Present Moment’.

Our bodies… these ‘Earthly incarnations’ we cruise through life with

are what we take to be ‘us’… :-O


We” seem to be flawed.

Some religion insidiously insist that:

we are born sinners and must ‘find our ‘Way’ to the the ‘lord’…

our way.

It is true,

that we are born ignorant of our True Divine Nature…

Whether that is a sin is only according to one’s

Earth bound perceptions and

misleading dogmas from certain scornful religions…

For we are all born perfect,

Perfect Beings of Light and Love

Born with all the inseparable Immeasurable Morals and Virtues

We are:

Love, Joy, Happiness, Bliss…

We have always been, we’ve never been created,

‘we’ were never born, nor can ‘we’ ever die…


that’s hard to grasp….

our True Nature is


Without become at least ‘nearly Enlightened’…

There simply is no reference that we will normally experience in this life

that give someone the complete understanding of our True Nature…

the “I Am” that Advaita Vedanta points out.

However we come to this life …

Those among us that are inclined to learn more each day…

Will transcend the pain, suffering, and confusion inherent in all beings.

To ‘Grow up’ as human beings…


Wake up to our full Spiritual Potential…

Which is boundlessly… limitless.


We all start as babies that grow physically,


also we Grow up

advancing through human developmental stages.


Every being created strives for nothing less than

to become more connected to our True Divine Nature.


Awaken to our True Divine Nature naturally Liberates us from

the pain, suffering, and confusion due to

the ignorance we unknowingly cling to.


For every Soul created

there lies an individual path

of challenges and lessons that must be overcome

before we achieve Transcendence

towards the Awakening to our True Divine Nature.

Often in life,

our most challenging lessons turn out to be natural opportunities…

they become…

Doors towards Transcendence.


Often in the middle of an annoying or challenging situation

one is over come with much dread and worry…


once you stepped up and finished the job

or settled the situation,

one can often look back and truly say…

”That wasn’t so bad”.


at least come away with the feeling of confidence that

one can live, learn, overcome


Transcend those challenging lessons.


Wise Saints and Enlightened Sages have always taught that:

“Everything that has happened… Had to.”


know that,

the future has infinite potential …


use your time wisely.


For what really matters is

what we learn from our experiences.

Forget the concept of ‘sin’…


is only a concept projected by our social perspectives

and religious dogmas.


one must look for the Wisdoms

that can be gained from all of our experiences.

The biggest mistake one can make is

to continue making the same mistake…


our life gets stuck in a rut…

Spiritually this is called ‘Dukkha’.

This prevents us from advancing along our ‘Path’ towards

connecting with what every being created strives for.

Live in the Moment –

Be content in the Ever-Present Moment.

We all deserve to be Liberated from the pain and suffering

that keeps us from Abiding in Eternal Bliss.

Be Mindful and aware in each moment.

Bring to your thoughts in general,

the Four Immeasurable Virtues of


Bring to your speech and actions

these Spiritual immeasurable virtues.

With each action of Unconditional Love you radiate towards others,

The closer to the Divine you will be.

To forgive is Divine…


to truly learn the Wisdoms of Life’s Lessons is also


To hold on to guilt or blame,

obscures our Path towards Divinity.

Let these sacred scriptures Inspire the Awakening

of your True Being.

These highly Spiritual words are also important lessons for us

to better find our ‘Way’ along our own Spiritual Path.

Take to heart these perspectives from 1st Corinthians




~ ~ ~ ~

Love is patient, love is kind.

It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.

It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking,

it is not easily angered; it keeps no record of wrongs.

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.

It always protects, always trusts,

always hopes, always perseveres.


Right – View,

Intention, Effort, Mindfulness, Speech, Action & Concentration

is a Spiritually and psychologically balanced way of

living your life to the fullest.

Integrating morals, virtue and unconditional love

in a way that promotes

the Awakening of one’s True nature,


ending our pain, suffering, and confusions

and creating a better world for our

children’s children’s children…

Right View – Is the base of all our thoughts, speech and actions.

Ask yourself,

“Are my thoughts ones of unconditional love?”


are they born of our reactive egos and emotions?


Don’t let ‘the tail wag the dog’,

by allowing our egos and emotions

To steer a course towards our destiny.

Center yourself with the perspectives of Right View

Be liberated from narcissistic self-absorbed selfishness.

~ ~ ~ ~

Perpetuate Right View with the Right Intention

to do your best to help yourself help others.

The intention of harmlessness is

thought guided by compassion, aroused in opposition

to cruel, aggressive, and violent thoughts.

Compassion supplies the complement to lovingkindness.

Whereas loving-kindness has the characteristic of

wishing for the happiness and welfare of others,

compassion has the characteristic of

wishing that others be free from suffering,

a wish to be extended without limits to all living beings.

~ ~ ~ ~

Integrate Right View and Right Intention with

Right speech, Right Action, and Right Livelihood

Before you speak or act out,

ask yourself,

“Am I coming from a perspective of loving kindness?”


Am I trying to sound good, impress someone, mislead or lie.


In pursuit of Right Livelihood

Strive for an occupation that will offer a noble service

free from deceit or the perpetuation of unwholesomeness.

~ ~ ~ ~

Right Effort

Right effort provides the energy demanded by the task

‘Step up the plate’ and get ‘er dun with Right Effort

The right effort will be required for both personal growth

And the integration and team work of all others

~ ~ ~ ~

Right Mindfulness

The wisdoms of Life

cannot be fully learned by information.

It is not enough merely to accept it on faith,

to believe it on the authority of books or a teacher,


to think it out through deductions and inferences.

It has to be known by ‘Insight’,

grasped and absorbed by a kind of knowing

which is also an immediate seeing.

Mindfulness is presence of mind, attentiveness or awareness.

~ ~ ~ ~

Right Concentration

Right concentration will allow one to focus on the task at hand.

Whether one is studying or taking a test


practicing a deep and relaxing meditation.

Later down ‘the Path’…

the ability to abide in focused concentration will lead to ‘one-pointedness’…

it is then when the effort to focus and concentration surrenders into

the effortlessness of ‘Flow States’…

Divine inspirations manifest here as “Insights“.


The benefits are much more than two-fold,

For Right Concentration is the pre-emanate cornerstone towards

the fulfillment of your Being.

For it is in the

subtle deep silence within

where the language of the Divine is heard… You’ll experience it as the…

“Wordless Whispers of Wisdom”

Often folks think that their happiness would be complete

if they could just gain some sort of materialistic ‘thing’

Then after they get that ‘thing’, a new car or whatnot…

The same depression or challenge

is still making them endure pain and suffering.

And thus,

we strive for a wholesome contentedness

that is not effected by materialistic ‘things’….


we abide in the Bliss of our True Nature.

A Divine Bliss that can’t be taken away.

Here we stand at the threshold of a new chapter in life.

A chapter entitled

“Living Happily Ever After”.

It is our personal ‘Path’

to Awaken to our True Nature

With that Self-Realization,

we will forever take steps towards our Liberation

from the incompleteness


ending our pain and suffering.



allow this Marital Bliss

To connect with the Ground of our Being

Let these real-life Luv Stories and photos take you away…


Maui Marital Bliss!



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The Start of 2020

Our business was doing great, but we still couldn’t afford to buy a house or a condo. Renting in Maui for another 30 years was not an option we wanted to take. Then, Bobbie Jo suggested we buy a sailboat that is comfortable to cruise and live in. By the end of January, we started looking for our new home.

After a long search, we found our dream boat in Mazatlan, Mexico. COVID-19 was not yet a concern when our boat hunt began, but masks were starting to appear at airports by the time we flew to Mazatlan. Originally, we had planned to get the boat ready as fast as possible to cover a full calendar for the busy wedding season. However, it was apparent our business was going to tank amid the pandemic, and the struggle went on until the end of the year.

Luckily, we scored an awesome condo for only $19 a day at Mazatlan. On the 10th day of our stay, we received the news that all harbors will be closed the next Monday morning. We thought we’d be stuck in Mexico longer, but another sailor advised us to leave before sunrise.

We felt the adrenalin of escaping the Mexican harbor master just before the sun rose that faithful day. The seas were rough as waves were building up in the tight channel that led us to the open ocean. We ended up anchored off an adorable little isle just a mile offshore. We enjoyed cruising to many spectacular anchorages and cute villages on our way to Puerto Vallarta, where we would depart for Maui on May 7. On May 30, 2020, we completed our 24-day passage from Mexico to Maui.