Marriage, they say, ‘Is an Institution‘,
One that was created a very long time ago
for various reasons that made perfect sense to
those that were part of that old world view.
in most cultures, married women had very few rights of their own,
being considered, along with the family’s children,
the property of the husband
as such,
They could not own or inherit property,
or represent themselves legally.
Our country is in the process of de-evolving towards
a misogynistic Christian national men’s view that
women should not have a say in what they can do with their own body,
particularly regarding abortion.
The ‘church’ and their political power drives are a big part of this de-evolution…
More and more free-thinking modern women are choosing to
stand up for themselves and not be exploited by such archaic doctrines and dogma.
It’s not that most religions are intrinsically bad or wrong…
It’s just that most have lost the thread of what they were originally based on,
Such as, morals, virtues and to connect anyone with the ‘Absolute Truth’ of their nature and the inseparableness with ‘Divinity’.
Out dated doctrines and dogmas created by politically power driven men do not represent True Divinity.
Absolute power corrupts absolutely…
all organized religions are susceptible to falling prey to unholy political power drives and corruption.
Over time,
A lot of these ‘non-Equanimeous’ perspectives have been Transcended…
Another big step up in the
Evolution of Human Developmental Stage Growth is
the Transcendence – From politically motivated power driven
Myth, Magic & Miracle Based Ethnocentric ‘religious’
or “Sky God” views…
And moving up to the next stages:
Modern Rational
Post-Modern Rational
Pluralist (everyone is equal)
To Finally…
Integral. Beginning the 2cd-Tier of Human Conscious Awareness
Of which about 5% are currently now operating at.
There are some very valid points to consider with stage growth,
You can’t skip stages…
At best you can accelerate your growing process…
for a lot of people,
They are stuck in a ‘traditional’ religious rut.
The downside of ‘traditions’ is that,
it keeps a lot of Progressive Higher Perspectives
De-evolution does not make any country great again…
That’s a big myth that too many mentally vulnerable people are duped into with
traditional religious political power drives.
Way back ‘when’…
No specific ritual was prescribed for celebrating a marriage:
“Marriage vows did not have to be exchanged in a church,
nor was a priest’s presence required.
A couple could exchange consent anywhere, anytime.”
Decrees on marriage of the Council of 1563
made the validity of marriage dependent upon
the wedding taking place before a priest and two witnesses
Establishing the Doctrine of
Bringing in the fear of God and the Dogmas of Church
Into controlling Love.
Still today,
about 40% of Americans are currently drawn to this perspective…
Which seemed like the ‘thing to do’ 500 years ago,
At that time We had just started to figure out the Earth was Not indeed less than 7000 years old,
Earth was not ‘Flat, and the sun and entire universe did not actually revolve around Earth – God’s chosen planet, as the church had emphatically stated back then.
The ‘Theology’ of those times, mixed up with combining the power of the state
Gave a mighty strong authoritative pressure to
believe in the unbelievable and keep women in their place and
have an un-rational ‘Faith’ in the Myth, Magic, and Miracles
required by Church & state for an imaginary ‘sky God’ before your
True Love could be ‘sanctioned’ in accordance to Church Doctrine.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A few hundred years ago, humanity began the transcendence towards
the next higher 3rd-person perspective, called:
~ The Modern ‘Rational‘ ~
The capacity to take an
Objective, Scientific, Universal Perspective
and thus,
the switch in identity from a
Local Ethnocentric identity
a universal or global world-centric identity.
A switch from “us”
to “all of us.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
In the late 1960’s,
The emergence of… Postmodernism.
Where Traditional modernity introduced a 3rd-person perspective,
This new stage-known variously as:
pluralistic, postmodern, relativistic, sensitive, individualistic, multicultural
came with the emergence of a 4th-person perspective
The capacity to:
Reflect on, and criticize, 3rd-person perspectives,
including current science in favor of a more informed science…
Leading to a multitude of different or pluralistic views.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Only a few decades ago human developmentalists began to notice
the emerging of the next Highly Integrated Level.
This begins the 2cd-Tier of Human Conscious Awareness
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Abraham Maslow had called our current state of humanity at
1st tier – “Deficiency needs”
and 2nd tier – “Being needs”
The 1st tier levels are:
Partial, narrow, excluding, separative, and driven by deficiencies
2nd-tier levels are:
Inclusive, embracing, comprehensive, integral, and driven by abundance.
Only around 5% of the worldwide population
is at integral levels of development.
The Inspirations of creative wholeness tend to trend things upward towards:
More Embrace and more integration of many perspectives…
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
To the ones that have transcended Ethnocentric religious perspectives of
only accepting and unconditionally loving those within their group of followers,
those at a wider ‘World perspective’ of Higher developmental growth stages
can no longer ‘resonate’ with constraints of Lower stage perspectives
But yet
Still feel Inspired to Express their Love to a Higher Source
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Our Commitment Ceremony is a Non legal and Non-Binding
Integration of True Love that recognizes the Eternal Being in each other.
A Union of Soul Mates
Not a pesky Bureaucratic Formality.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Those on the emerging second tier of Human Developmental Growth
are on the cusp of Personal Awakening.
They have grown as far as the leading edge of society
and now are Naturally inclined towards a Spiritual-ness that resonates with an Absolute Truth that is not filtered by the biases of out dated doctrines and dogma…
Love all serve all and create no sorrow.
A key aspect of Spirituality is the ability to
‘Be‘ in the moment.
In ‘this’ moment, a life together is fulfilling
Later down the Road of Life…
The ever-present moments may bring uncharted directions to pursue
for Inspirations we can’t see currently.
To Limit one’s ‘self’ with a legally binding marriage,
along with the huge burdens legally required
to buy yourself out of a legally binding commitment,
seems quite the unnecessary expense of wasted time and money.
If the heart is just not in it anymore,
there should be a natural conclusion to move on…
In a friendly, amenable way.
Not a new car’s worth of Lawyer fees and court costs.
Loosing a house and often the kids…
When one faces such devastating consequences to their bank account and wellbeing…
It tends to bring out a very ugly divorce
that leaves both parties facing detrimental consequences resulting in vicious anger and revenge.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
And Oh Yea… No One Is Going To Hell
for Not accepting ‘Mythic literal’ Doctrine of a Church wedding
for being among the 41% of first-time marriages that end with nasty Lawyers.
The societal trend is towards more couples choosing the path of
A Commitment Ceremony.
For More Enlightening Info Please Check out this Resource:
A romantic Maui beach Commitment Ceremony makes the Perfect Valentine’s Celebration!
Give the Gift of a Maui Island proposal Ceremony to your Lover on Valentine’s Day and
fulfill your Heart’s Desires with a Dream Commitment Ceremony on the beach with the
Maui Marrying Man.
Have a simply Enchanting Romantic Maui Beach Ceremony
with Professional Photography that expertly captures the ‘Ever Present Moment’ and
The highly elated auras of Love…
Maui is a great choice for a destination wedding, elopement and particularly…
A commitment ceremony.
Divorce stats
41 percent of first marriages end in divorce.
60 percent of second marriages end in divorce.
73 percent of third marriages end in divorce.
~ Don’t become a ‘Negative Stat’ ~