There is a sudden shift;
many mental phenomena, particularly
the main narrative thought stream,
shift out away from the illusory sense of
“the watcher”.
This is an important insight,
as it shows us clearly and directly in some basic way that
we are not “our” mind or “our” body.
Reality can seem just a bit more brilliant,
it is also a pleasant, clear, and unitive-feeling state.
We may feel more alive and connected to the world.
For some it may hit with unusual force, filling them with
a great sense of unity or universal consciousness.
With the sensate experience of both mental and physical phenomena
being clearly observable and distinguished,
the relationships and interactions between the two
start to become obvious, and what is meant by “the dualistic split”
is more easily comprehended here.

Mind and Body – 1st Insight stage
View on YouTube with inspiring Hawaiian Sailing Photos
From my
In the Hawaiian slack key of D Wahine.
The Progress of Insight
Inspired by Daniel Ingram’s book Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha,
With this section “The progress of Insight”
Inspired by Mahasi Sayadaw