“Zenfully Quool Quotes”
“The Art of Living” By Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh
Mindfulness helps us arrive in the present moment
to see and hear the wonders of life—
If there is a spiritual crisis in the twenty-first century,
it is that we have not put God in the right place,
namely within ourselves and in the world around us.
Can you take God out of the cosmos?
Can you take the cosmos out of God?
We are a wonder,
and we are surrounded by wonders.
We have God, we have the cosmic body,
we have everything right in this moment.
With this insight,
with this kind of enlightenment,
we already feel happy, content, and fulfilled.

Zenfully Quool Quotes Quommentary
by rog
Keep in mind that the concept of “God” that Thay speaks of…
Is not a white bearded man sitting on a cloud
always on the ever lookout for people to smite down…
Out of convenience,
we use the one syllable word to represent something that is
far and beyond what words and letters can every convey.
The essence of ‘God’ is…
All that is.
It includes vast reaches and in and beyond our universe…
Every subtle element within our bodies…
Every unimaginable aspect of whatever comes before or after this life.
In that sense…
You cannot take ‘God’ out of the cosmos…
Have the cosmos without ‘God’.
In Spiritual philosophy,
Our True Being as Pure Consciousness…
Is not affected by the chaos of the material world.
Our happiness, equanimity and well-being
is not effected by the ups & downs of life.
Material beings are the only thing we think we really know.
The simplest aspect of Enlightenment can be experienced by
anyone, anytime.
It’s important to give yourself time away from the
random thought generating monkey mind bio-computer brain of ours.
That way,
We can experience a flower as it is…
Without comparing it to other flowers we’ve seen.
Critiquing the color to other colors…
Analyzing the fragrance…
Just let the flower be as it is.
When we walk…
Just walk.
When we eat…
Just eat.
And so on.
BE in the moment and truly experience the Grace of Nature
that ‘we’ are inseparable from.
This is a form of meditation.
With this insight,
with this kind of enlightenment,
we already feel happy, content, and fulfilled.
“Zenfully Quool Quotes”
Currently featuring “The Art of Living”
By Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh
My aim is to present
a deeper, higher, wider, non-theological perspective
into common sense Spirituality
that most of us folks raised in the ‘west’ never get introduced to,
to fulfill life’s most intriguing questions…
I find it’s best to combine all
Non-theological common sense spiritual perspectives
that point towards helpful solutions to life’s challenges, while
answering the most profound philosophical questions…
What is the True Nature of my Being.
What is my place in this life and the ‘Timeless wonder of it all’.
How to creatively fulfill my full creative potential…
And thus…
Make sense of this life that often seems…