Luv Stories of Maui Marital Bliss
We met in Austin Texas when We were both working in a hotel bar
she was bartending and I was a Cocktail waitress,
we would both talk about our love for traveling, different cultures and adventure in general.

Most of our co-workers knew we had feelings for each other,
but we never had the guts to tell each other until the day before she left for vacation
she and I went out that night and right before she got out of the taxi
we almost kissed.

Since then we both jumped into a most dizzying beautiful romance.
From skydiving on one of our first dates, road tripping, traveling to Peru,
working in Alaska together and finally…
getting to call her my wife.

Olivia & Misti Kotter – Luv Story Blessing
Simply Enchanting Kahakapao Forest Wedding

The adventures of Life
take us along our journeys towards the great unknown.
No one knows what lies just beyond
the bend of our perceptions….
But our Souls know when we are going the right way,
doing the right thing… In Hawaii it’s called Pono…
It just feels right.
It feels right from the ‘Ground of our Being’…
Our Soul also knows a Soulmate
when we are near a dear one…
Even when our earthly minds can’t Conceptualize such
While your co-workers at the hotel bar you both worked
could tell there was a magic Love radiating towards each other,
it took time to find the guts to believe it.
When we find such Divine Love,
it almost feels like they ‘complete’ us.
From our Soul’s perspective, we are
Always Already Alright
and complete,
We were born perfect…
It just takes time to fully Realize our True Nature.
Having finally found our True Love,
our Soulmate is beyond someone that merely seems to
completes us.
Their living example of unconditional love
is there to remind us of
the beauty within us…
especially when we are typically too self-critical
to see that beauty ourselves.
Finding True Love
allows us to share the joy that we experience,
It also allows us the solace of a Soulmate
when we are challenged to the core…
Or even just annoyed about trivial things like bad traffic
or a bothersome customer at work.
For all you have to do is take a few calming breaths
and bring to mind The Four Immeasurable Virtues
that your Soulmate Unconditionally brings to you…
Love, Joy, Compassion and Equanimity.
Radiate this light and Love
to whatever annoying situation you are in.
Just like Sunlight Ripens Fruit…
Imagine all others are positively affected by
the light of this radiance,
Imagine you are able to see those positive qualities
reflected in others
And most importantly,
See those positive qualities
Reflected in your Loved Ones.
We Make Your Luv Story Dreams Come True 😉