This is part of a “Philosophical Discussion”
Someone pointed out the need for honesty in religion.
In a very big way, yes, I agree.
But Connie brings up a good point…
“honest about what?”
A major reason I have been inspired to deepen my insights
into Spiritual philosophies, are on account of
all the many areas where the ‘church’ was not…
I understand that the individual person that currently may be
speaking the church’s “truth” is not aware that they, themselves
are being dishonest.
“The blind has been following the blind” for so long
that both ‘truth’ and ‘honesty’ have been lost
in the quagmire of this religious paradigm.
The first dishonest point is
that the main religion in america has become
what other philosophers refer to as “mythic literal” …
In that the church demands that their followers consider
all the literally man made up myths, magic, and miracles …
to be the literal truth.
For anyone not to buy into that dishonest demand
is deemed worthy of punishment….

Typically to be roasted and tortured for eternity
by an “all loving pro-life” ‘god’…
which also points out a few more points of dishonesty.
The next profound point of dishonesty is:
America’s leading religion states that
only their religion is only way to ‘God’.
Just about each of the 66,000 individual denominations
each say that only their denomination is the only way to ‘god’.
Particularly with southern Baptist churches:
They will state that:
Only their church has the right way to ‘god’.
This list of dishonesty with the ‘church’ goes on and on…
The church is at best being dishonest about
significant atrocities it has committed,
it’s worse than how they portray the devil and evil…
more made-up myths that are not real,
they mislead their followers with such lies.
In the eyes of the church, I may seem like a weirdo…
I think torturing just one person to death is…
But the church has the blood of over 100 million innocents
all tortured to death out of respect for that “all loving pro-life” “god”.
Contradictions and lies… a very fine line, but they point to….
Unless you firmly believe in your heart of hearts
that torturing to death innocent people for some made up ‘god’
is the version of morality that you stand for and resonate with…
then abandoning all critical thinking and going to church is your only way.
All open-minded people that still have the ability to use critical thinking
must ask themselves…
“What else is the church wrong about?”
This whole religion is based on dishonesty.
Jesus was said to be a real person,
born and living at a time when the bible states…
There is no contemporary references by any of his so called followers
or even his enemies…
Although there are heaps of written documents of that time,
none even remotely mention anyone remotely close to what
the story of Jesus states there was.
For more details on this, please check this out:
Contradictions of Christianity and the Pitfalls of Politics

Perhaps the biggest dishonestly is:
The church states, with a straight face, that they are
In the bible,
it tells the story of how the unlimited powerful ‘god’,
was so upset with his ‘children’, his creations,
that he was overcome with unevolved egotistical traits of
anger, rage, jealousy, revenge and …
As this so called “all loving pro-life” ‘god’ murdered every
man, woman, and child of every species on the planet…
except for the few on the mythic “ark”.

If there ever was any truth to the idea of “sin”…
The church embodies it.
The church could have been a unifying organization
that brought all of ‘God’s Children’ together in peaceful unity…
But Noooooo.
Every major war since religions were made up
was fought for unevolved childish naive projections
of what each type of religion deemed to be “God’s will”.
All of this dishonesty has been a bane to humanity
since they first made it all up.
Which is a shame!
Every person born has an inherent curiosity to connect
with some part of themselves…
Somewhere within them,
they feel their Inner most heart… or soul, or spirit….
something that connects them with a bigger, larger, wider aspect.
They are inspired to find that sacred “Ground of Being”
that reveals how their life and all life can make sense
in a way they can experience
the inseparable nature we all have in common.
This may sound like:
But our True Nature and whatever the concept of ‘God’ is…
Words can never reveal these ‘Divine’ Wisdoms.
Only by deep ‘Self Enquiry’
during the deepest states of human consciousness
can these Insights be understood by those experiences.
Whether this is during the Christian’s “Centering Prayer”,
which is a 10 day intense prayer/meditation/contemplation endeavor
which is very similar to the Buddhist and Hindu Vipassana…
By any skillful means, this can reveal ‘Divinity’ to those so inspired
with the volition to find the “Right Effort”…
These ‘Divine Wisdoms’ will come…
As natural as the falling rain…
But only if we let them.
They say:
If you want to know ‘God’….
You must know yourself.
And then…
One will know these Wisdoms experimentally that…
We are all inseparable from all that is.
All traditions state that the essence of “God” is…
All that is.
Forget everything that anyone has stated about “God”…
For ‘God’ is far beyond anything that can be put into
the limitations of words.
I feel the church is way beyond the ability of being honest on so many aspects.
If anyone wants to find the Ultimate Truths…
They must start searching…. Within.
Silence is the only language ‘God’ speaks…
Find your Divine Inner Silence…
The wordless whisper of Wisdom will Enlighten you.