Most of us should know that “satan”, or the “devil”
are just metaphors for unevolved selfish people that do bad things…
“God’s” work is always already alright and done.
No need to petition “Him” to do our mortal biddings.

Spread the word of unconditional love.
Find a path for those that are lost in their narcissistic self-centered perspectives.
They sure seem like they must be posseted by an evil mystic creature…
But we all should know,
that’s all made up to falsely scare us into Divinity.

One should NOT fear “God” to be a good person.
Just be a good person, and do good work.
have the ‘Right livelihood’ – a very noble path indeed.
Those that are taught to do good out of a fear of ‘God’,
Do not really learn the True Grace of Divinity…
They do good for their own good and not true unconditional love.
That is just another form of being selfish…
even though they are trying hard to be good,
but only out of a fear of going to some made up place like ‘hell’.

We make our own hell, and it’s not a mythic place under this earth…
There’s no need to fear ‘God’ or the make-believe mythic creatures
that man has created and called ‘evil’.
May you and all you touch find that Peace and happiness
that truly feels like the Grace of Divinity…
This can be realized by finding a bliss or happiness
that is not effected by things ‘outside’ of you or materialistic things.
True Grace is not found in objects or materialistic ‘things’,
that kind of happiness is not True happiness
for it is only the moments between unhappiness’.
Divinity and Grace can truly be known in this life.
It is our ignorance of such wisdoms of our True nature
that create all pain and suffering.