To be honest, we didn’t like each other at first…. he thought I was hired to take over his job so he was leery of me and I thought he was a bit stand offish and abrupt. After a while we started hanging out together in a group setting and soon became best friends. Now, this part is especially important, and I would love to have it incorporated into our vows as it is a huge joke between us,
but I kissed him first;
after that it was true love from then on out for us. Between the two of us we have 4 children when we were married, we not only married each other, but we married our kids as well, becoming a happy blended family. We are not only husband and wife, but best friends, partners in raising our children, a team, lovers and soul mates.
We are truly best friends and could spend every second of every day together and never get bored with one another. Through all our ups and downs that life has thrown at us, we have stayed strong by supporting and depending on each other.
We are each other’s rocks; we are loving and supportive of one another and we push the other to be the best they can in anything we do. We work through any issues by talking and communicating rather than arguing and fighting. We have defiantly had some rough moments in our marriage, as most couples do, but we stayed true to who we were and always knew love would get us through anything, I am thankful to not only be married to my husband, the father of my children, my heart and soul, but my also my best friend.

Shareen & Jim Thompson’s Luv Story Blessing
Jim thought Shareen was there to steal his job… However,
it turns out that she ‘stole the First Kiss’… and ended up stealing his heart 😉
A good marriage is one that builds on the strengths of each other.
building a strong and last love natural integrates the strengths of one
to overcome the challenges of the other… and vice versa.
In my ceremony, I mention:
How the “woman’s intuition” teams up with a man’s ‘gut instincts’,
Loving Kindness is premiant, Love Begets Love, naturally becoming each other’s
Rock, confidant, defender in times of dark and light, pain and sorrow
and everything that comes along…

You have journeyed through this life, met your true love and together
transcended those challenges together creating a love that is much deeper than one could ever have imagined before.