Sometimes the Clouds look like ‘Divinity’
shining through to uplift our Spirit.
Each being is born with an intrinsic attraction towards resonating with a feeling that
‘we’ are part of something much larger than life appears to us ‘normally’.
Whether conscious or subconsciously,
we seek the deeper meanings of life.
For the ones that have pursued this ‘Self-enquiry’,
an ineffable ‘knowing’ is felt…
Once this ‘Awakening’ occurs…
all other previous profound questions of life…
Become almost trivial in the Ultimate sense of Spirit.

Just as the questions of our innocent childhood
become meaningless, as we become adults
and common sense answers those questions
without even addressing what once was a profound question.
The ‘knowing’ of Enlightenment’
answers all questions in a simple way
that only Bliss and Love remains in our hearts and minds.

These ‘Wisdoms’ can not be learned by taking someone else’s word for it…
Words can never explain the ineffable Nature of Life… and what’s beyond…
It must be pursued, lived and experienced.