There is an inherent part of our human nature
that feels a strong sense of wanting to belong to
something that is bigger than life typically reveals to us.
it is hard wired into our DNA to always be mindful of our survival and
the ever continued-ness of our species… so,
being concerned with whatever we can imagine could be our continuance as
a permanent individual soul that will live forever with all the aspects and
characterizations we have in this life
is a natural tendency for the human condition.
Most religions take advantage of this natural human desire,
Which would be a good thing if it were not for the
roadblocks, dead ends, diversions and
the countless contradictions that most religions have with
True Natural Spirit.
They apply heaps of non-sensible distractions to what could become
a true Spiritual Path,
They make up ridiculous myths and stories they demand be considered…
The “Literal Truth” straight from the hand of “God” when they are all… literally made up…
and to not take these man made up myths as the literal truth would be
a sin worthy of being roasted and tortured in hell for eternity…
by the hand of the ‘pro-life’ and all loving … “God”.
There are psychological case studies on how can people still feel they should
over look the atrocities and obvious contradictions of organized religions and
continue to worship such an UN pro-life all loving “God”.
When in fact,
every thing ever written about “God” was made up by man…
As the years and centuries go by,
“God” seems to evolve to better match the world view of contemporary times…
they still keep the ‘mythic-literal’ aspects which do no one any realistic service…
other than to control the flock and keep the tax free donations coming in.
When they are told to believe in “Him”
despite that it is “Him” that felt so let down by “His” children
that He would cause a flood that killed every
man, woman, and child of every species on Earth
just out of spite. Which is part of the myth the church demands to be taken literally.
In the name of the all mighty loving “God”,
The church literally tortured and killed over 5 million people, whick is not a made up myth.
Most of the victims being Christians, but somehow they made the church control freaks feel…
Uneasy. Or
that they had what the church wanted, so in ‘god’s’ name…
Off with their heads…. After torturing them like hell first.
If that wasn’t all loving and pro-life enough.
It was made up that the ultimate goal of this religion is…
The End of Times – Where “God” once again kills all
men, women, and children of every species on Earth …
But this time,
In a fashion that renders this entire planet uninhabitable forever.
That’s a wee contradiction of being all loving and pro-life…
And a huge roadblock for anyone duped or born into one of these religions
to ever, in this life, actually experience what could be considered
‘Divinity’… or their True Nature of Being.
And the distractions and contradictions just keep coming,
generation after generation…

If there really was such thing as “sin” and “hell”,
The road to this man made up mythic imaginary place,
Would be paved with the control freaks and misogynistic men
that crafted most religions for the sake of egotistical power drives
and control of the masses.
Which is so unfortunate because they have managed to
take advantage of almost the entire populations of most nations
that could have otherwise been used like a conveyer belt
to transport the masses to live in a world here on Earth where we could
abide in the higher states of consciousness, actually get along intelligently
and live in peace and harmony.

Like John Lennon wrote:
Imagine a world in which we were evolved and intelligent enough
to see that we already have the abundant resources so that
no would ever be without enough food to eat, health care
and a decent place to live.
But noooooooo!
We’ve been convinced that we must perpetually fight each other
typically in the name of ‘god’
and constantly wage wars against “those evil people”
that don’t pray the same way to the same made up mythical personal sky god.
And even when those people do pray the same way
with the same denomination of religion…
If they have what we want…
To hell with them,
“We” live in “God’s” country,
“We” are “God’s” chosen ones. (because we told ‘God’ so)
So naturally,
We’ve got to do “God’s” bidding….
And perpetually kill his other children in the name of their ‘Father’.
And so it is…
Life is inherently full of profound challenges.
Happiness is just a phase between two phases of UN-happiness.
Sickness and death are guaranteed.
Not knowing our True Nature, which
Never was born, will never die,
And is completely unaffected by the ideocracy of our collective governments
and the chaos born from unimaginably bad people… like these two!

This would indeed be the ‘saving Grace’
most people petition their projection of “God” to save them from.
They could all have it right here and right now…

For those few that are evolved enough to see past the illusions of life
and are inspired to experience the ineffable aspects of our True Nature.
Take the first step of a Truly Spiritual and fulfilling Personal Path.
Your friends, neighbors, loved ones and even your enemies…
Will love you for it.