The Buddha speaks of “crippling” compassion…
Maintain equanimity and your usefulness
will not be harshed by being so ‘empathic’.
Being super smart is fine…
It’s what one should strive for,
In Spiritual philosophy,
Know there is time to “think” and the rest of the time…
Not to keep the random bio-computer thought generator running.
Conventional knowledge is important… indeed.
The highest Wisdoms are beyond conventional knowledge.
These only arise in the highest state of human consciousness.
This is where the ‘effort’ of meditation becomes ‘effortless’.
Insight meditation… or Jhana states…
Once these ‘Wisdoms’ are gained by experience…
The depression of knowing how screwed humanity is…
No longer cripples one with compassion…
I’ve struggled with this crippling compassion for humanity for most of my life.
The wordless Wisdoms gained in my Practice has indeed Liberated me…
For the most part…
I still have a lifetime to go…
But at least I won’t be taking my life before I do become fully “Realized”.
I’m certainly not afraid to die…
The trick is,
To be brave enough to hang in there and not allow the knowledge of this
chaotic material world give up one’s caring to live.
It’s a ‘trick’ that must be met with earnest ‘Right Thoughts’.