are a belief system, taking someone else’s word for ‘Divinity’.
Non-Duality Unity Consciousness
is a system based on personal experience.
~ ~ ~
In a non-religious spiritual Path –
part of the main goal is to become ‘Self Realized” …
To know your True Self.
To learn by experience that:
You are not your body or your body parts like
brain, heart, mind, thoughts, egos, emotions, likes, dislikes…

You are just Awareness… Boundless Spaciousness.
Never born, never dies, never suffers.
This renders all concerns of life as…
Always Already Alright!
~ ~ ~

In a religion –
It is taught that this ego mind body right now is your eternal forever body
and when you die you get a “Heavenly Body”
that looks and feels just like this one.
Curious if they get the same body that just died of being grotesquely old
or mutilated by a tragic death…
it would then seem more like a bad Zombie movie than ‘Heaven’ :-O
but it’s all made up anyway, so don’t worry. 😉
~ ~ ~
Organized religions
Embrace ‘petitionary prayer’.
A big part of the prayers the faithful use on a day-to-day basis, is
to petition ‘God’ to do their bidding.
They command ‘God’ in the most trivially un-divine ways,
Demanding of ‘God’ to make their team win.

Praying to ‘God’ to help them get that promotion at work
by smiting down or at least making the employee that currently has that job
too sick to work anymore.
Petitioning ‘God’ to help them find the perfect mate,
or even just to get laid.
They pray for more insidious demands…
Please ‘God’,
let our country bomb the shit out of some other country,
even though they embrace our same religion and denomination as ours,
since we adamantly state that we alone are your chosen ones,
please help us kill your children over ‘there’
so us self-appointed ‘chosen ones’ can feel better over here.
In a non-religious non dual spiritual Path
The concept of being non dual means
we are all inseparable from each other…
no matter where in the world we are…
Remember the original Christian quote:
Love thy neighbor.
Do onto others as you would have them do onto you.
the quote from the Quran:
Love thy enemy as you would yourself.
Most of these religions have lost this thread 🙁
~ ~ ~
Non religious spiritual Paths
are all about Un-conditional Love
Organized religions
There is no such thing as Un-conditional love in organized religions.
They are very adamant about who gets their love and compassion.
A non-believer in their mythic literal tradition at best gets some pity…
They pity the poor wretched worthless sinner… for they are doomed to “hell”.
the Pope just came out and officially stated that ‘hell’ doesn’t really literally exist…
it’s just a metaphor.
They will also disenfranchise the non believer in anyway from pity to,

shunning them anyway possible… all the way to physical violence
and ultimately death.

claim they are pro-life, yet,
for the most part of history, they have been really keen on killing people.
The ‘church’ tortured to death & or executed over 50 to 150 million innocent people
during their anti-pro-life heyday crusades,
Ironically, most of them were Christians too.

whenever an academic or artiest would make a church leader feel uneasy,
They would be tortured to death since it presumably caused
the ‘All Mighty fearless ‘god’ to… fear, and
Insecure. :-O
I know a lot of “God” fearing Christians love their religion, but…
how in the hell can they embrace this sadistic religion!
In a Spiritual Path…
There was never the perfect weapon as ‘church and state’.
There is no “God” that is the product of archaic man’s imaginations
that has such limited sadistic insecurities.
There was never anything as horrific as the Christian crusade’s death toll.

In organized religion
They claim ‘God’ is pro-life.
Due to ‘God’s insecurities as presumed by the church,
it is written that
He caused a worldwide flood that killed every man, woman and child
of every species on the planet.
~ ~ ~
In a non-religious spiritual Path
There is no mythic sky god to do such atrocities.

Even if the most popular religion was not created and developed with
unforgivable atrocities and contradictions…

The fact of being a “tradition”, limits its potential wisdoms
to outdated perspectives from archaic men that:
Considered women to have no rights.
Considered slavery to be perfectly normal.
Thought the planet was flat. And…
Didn’t know where the sun went at night.
Typically, you can’t change a tradition…
you really can’t change a religious tradition.
You can create more denominations… so far,
we have over 66,000 of them,
They never get far away from the core misunderstandings and contradictions
from archaic times.
~ ~ ~
A non-religious personal Spiritual Path
allows one to first pick & choose
the most relative and effective conventional practices of:
morals, virtues, life philosophies and balance psychological perspectives
to study and embody.
When a better Path, lesson or practice becomes known,
the old, outdated teachings can easily be discarded…
‘Transcend and Include’ –
is the keyword phrase that most reasonable spiritual Paths embrace.
They Include the parts that remain valid and helpful,
while transcending the old, limited teachings.
The Tantra scriptures are a perfect example:
It is expected to no longer refer to the old teachings
once better ones come along.
have countless distracting dogmas and doctrines
that are like roadblocks to experiencing ‘Divinity’ for one’s self.
Dogmas and misleading doctrines have nothing to do with ‘Divinity’
or help the faithful with any meaningful Wisdoms,
they are all fear-based agendas made up by archaic men
just meant to control the flock.

Non dual Spirituality
Like the spokes of a wheel…
has countless teachings that each, in their own way, point towards
the area of focus an aspirant would benefit from experiencing.
The most popular Religions
are considered “mythic literal”, in that
myths were created by archaic men to tell the story of “God”…
They insist that these man made up stories are the absolute truth,
written by the actual hand of ‘God’ Himself
to not be dupped into believing them is a sin
punishable by an ‘All mighty god’,
that sure sounds like he has insecurity issues,
along with a problem with rage, revenge, destruction, murder, and jealousy.

No wonder why the ‘church’ collectively considers tRump
To be the 2cd coming of Christ –
he has many of the same ego driven tantrums
It baffles me why any person of color would have anything to do with such an
out spoken raciest.
He has publicly made numerous statements of his white supremist views
over of people of color.
He hates black people!
there are some apparently self loathing or fully dupped folks of color
that still find tRump to be the one to promote their agendas.
to pretend for one moment that tRump is the 2cd coming of “Christ”…
or someone
that is at least portrayed to be so divine
This is yet another obvious and despicable contradictions of this mis-lead religion
just after the atrocities of torturing to death over 50 to 150 million innocent people
by the “all loving pro-life” members of Christianity!
can I hear an “Amen” :O
In a non-religious Spiritual Path,
instead of distracting man made up myths that must be taken literally,
metaphoric stories are often used to help explain the ineffable mysteries
that words just can’t properly describe.
They are to be considered metaphoric and not to be taken literally.
One is not expected to believe the unbelievable
just to show the depth of one’s faith.
have always played a big part in controlling the masses.
The evil but effective power of ‘church and state’
has been a bane to humanity since this religion was created.

the ‘church’ has the conservative demagogue politicians in their palms…
they have convinced their followers that
‘progressive’ plans for improving the condition of humanity are bad and evil
many regressive laws have been passed to pander to these religions.

Misogynistic religious men have just made into law that
a woman no longer has a say in what happens to them
when a man gets them pregnant.
Although they claim to be prolife…

They collectively also love guns
and senseless gun violence along with over 44,000 unnecessary deaths each year….
are just a small insignificant price to pay so that unevolved white “supremist” Christians
can fulfill their self stated “Divine Right” to shoot the shit out of anyone they desire.
Creating effective gun laws go against their religion and their version of being…an
~ ~ ~
Claim of being pro-life and all loving…
Is another big contradiction.
Most of the world’s wars have been fought over a man made up ‘God’ or myth.
The “holy” wars.
The Crusades.
The Dark ages.
Hitler was very much a Christian.
Putin is very much a Christian.
Irish Christian’s fighting different denominations of Christianity…
Israel and the Hamas led Palestinians
have been fighting since ‘biblical times’ over a man made up myth…
Something about a Palestinian being the first born to a King Abraham
by an adulterous affair with a Palestinian woman,
the illegitimate child and would have been the leader,
low and behold,
the Israel wife of the King finally gives birth to a legitimate Israeli child,
so he gets to be king and leader of the church and state instead of the Palestinian child
in a man made up mythic world that never existed.
And to this day,
most have forgotten how it all started,
but with each new death gives rise to
another generation of revenge and death…
Oh how Fn “holy” is that!
They are all fighting over what they call the Fn holy land!
For “God’s” sake man… this land could not be further from holy!
If it really was holy, then holy Fn shit!!! why do they act so UNholy?!?
~ ~ ~
In a non-religious spiritual Path
There is no place for such nonsense.
~ ~ ~
In a religion,
one must not seek out the experience of “God” themselves…
it is adamantly forbidden...
They are required to use a religious ‘middle man’…
That also requires a huge financial “Tiding”… or tax free cash donation.
They must whole heartedly take someone else’s word
for what ‘God’ and ‘Divinity’ is all about.
Often one must take the word from that ol’ archaic man that:
Considered women to have no rights.
Considered slavery to be perfectly normal.
Thought the planet was flat. And…
Didn’t know where the sun went at night.
In a spiritual Path,
an aspirant is encouraged NOT to take anyone’s word for
the highest aspects of the Path… not even the Buddha’s words!
The ineffable nature of these ‘higher aspects’ can not be put into words…
They must be experienced for oneself.
once the highest aspects of the Path are Realized…
Then the former aspirant can become a Master
and help point the ‘Way’ towards Liberation to other aspirants.
~ ~ ~
In a religion,
the goal is to die and then go to a place far away from here but in the sky above us
called “Heaven”.
In a Spiritual Path,
the goal is Enlightenment,
which naturally avails one to experience Nirvana
while still alive in this life which forever Liberates one from
the pain and suffering caused by the ignorance of
mis-believing one to be their ego mind body.
Nirvana is not a place an ego mind body goes to…
It is simply a perspective one can have right here and now
Nirvana is just a word that describes being
liberated from the pain & suffering previously caused by
the ignorance of not knowing their True Self.
~ ~ ~

In the most popular religions,
a version of ‘The End of Times’ is the unholy and ultimate goal.
It is encouraged to contribute to the total destruction of this planet
so that no living being can survive or ever live here on Earth ever again.
For this profoundly unholy act,
they want you to believe that you will be rewarded,
get a ‘Heavenly body’ and
spend the rest of forever at the feet of the ‘lord’
all while gloating over the wretched sinners that did not buy into this BS end of times shazizal.
there is no such nonsense on a non-dual spiritual Path.
~ ~ ~
In a religion:
It is taught that we are all born worthless sinners and
could not be further away from what they project as “God”.
In a Spiritual non dual Path,
it is taught and personally experienced as:
“We” are inseparable from all that is,
which at first we take this to be “God”…
But after experiencing the higher conscious state of ‘Turiya’…
We become “God”…
Then we also realize that our True Self is not our ego mind body –
there is no “We”, ‘us’ or the egoic person we thought we once were…
nor is there is a ‘God’…
There is just inseparable Oneness.
This is Non duality.
~ ~ ~
In a religion,
pain and suffering is expected for one’s entire life.
If one is a good religious person, when they die,
they will get a Heavenly body and
spend the rest of forever at the feet of the lord.
In a non dual spiritual Path,
the whole goal is to be liberated right now in this here & now life
from all the pain and suffering that life naturally serves up.
Each step along this Path reveals the Insights
which offer gradual freedom from the previously perceived
pain & suffering of this life.
Once the Path is fulfilled, we become Enlightened and,
there is no turning back to ignorance of our True Self.
Ken Wilber,
the world’s most prolific modern contemporary philosopher
has devoted his life and career to studying the human condition
along with how a person progresses through
the psychological growth stages – he calls ‘Growing Up’,
And the Spiritual stages of ‘Waking Up’.
For a deeper introduction to this intriguing study…
If you are one of the one’s that has never heard of
the Spiritual Practices that lead to the Liberation of Enlightenment…
You are not alone.
Less that half of our population has any idea of
what ‘Enlightenment’ really means.
I didn’t even know what this was really all about 25 years ago,
although I’ve been practicing meditation since a teenager.
The ‘deep end’ of the Spiritual Path is not marketed by media
nor does it use fear based agendas and recruiting squads that come to your door…
It is not an organized religion,
nor does it require picking only one ‘tradition’
which is very useful to not being attached and dupped into only one tradition…
All non dual teachings from all qualified traditions
all point toward the very same goal of Enlightenment.
It does not require the donations of the masses,
Nor does it try to over breed the populations of other religions
to maintain its power over societies.
~ ~ ~
Ken Wilber points out that
Significantly less that 1/10 of 1% of our population is truly Enlightened.
Less than 7% of the population is evolved enough and ready
to embark on the deep end of the Path of Enlightenment.
Less than 25% may have some vague idea what Enlightenment is,
they are simply not at a point in their life to earnestly pursue
the Path that leads to highest human goal of Liberation.
~ ~ ~
Most of our population is at the psychological development stage
that can only comprehend the popular
‘myth, magic, and miracle’ forms of religion
and do not have the volition to actually take the steps to get
a closer understanding of ‘God’,
even though they claim to be so fond and devoted to their projection of ‘God’.
They can not experience Divinity themselves.
They can only take someone else’s word for ‘God’, ‘Divinity’ and ‘Grace’.
Even if one is very young or too busy with life, or,
at a very low stage of psychological growth development,
they can certainly start reading about the basics,
which begin with learning and integrating into one’s daily life,
the conventional teachings of:
Morals, virtues, loving kindness, mindfulness, compassion, spreading joy…
Loving all, serving all, and creating no sorrow.
Learn about what it takes to have
a balanced psychological perspective and a reasonable life philosophy.
Start a basic meditation practice.
~ ~ ~
All PHD graduates started out in pre-school!
We all start at the same stage in life!
If we never know that we can achieve
the full potential of becoming an Enlightened human…
We will not likely find the volition to pursue our highest human potential.
~ ~ ~
Ken Wilber has outlined how one is drawn to a religion or a spiritual path
is based on how far along the evolutionary scale they are at.
Someone at the bottom of the scale
might only be able to understand the ‘cave man god’ perspectives.
Animal like ignorance that feels that
there must be a god in the thunder, lightning, storms…
The next general step up
would be someone that still believes in the ego based Greek gods…
Feeling strongly that it makes sense to them that if they were a god,
they’d damn well be having their way with the most beautiful earth women…
The next step up the evolutionary scale is
An attraction to literally taking the religious ‘myth magic and miracles’
as the absolute Truth, along with the
mythic ‘sky god’ that is still worshiped by most religions.
Although this was a step up from the cave man and Greek ego gods…
Why stop here!?

Be the evolutionary…
Help save the world…
By Finding your True Self.
The experience is Illuminating…
And help Enlighten everyone around you.