A concerned new friend shared this observation.
I don’t know what’s wrong with this era.
Many people don’t pursue love.
they just stay together for a short time and then end the relationship.
I can’t understand it.
I have always wanted a partner who can spend the rest of my life with me.
This is the simplest idea at present.

I’ve found the key to a long term relationship is…
The ability to duck real fast and …
Have really bad aim
Shor term memory loss helps us forget our troubles…
But, here’s the real reasons…

Humanity has drifted far and away from our
natural instincts to be self-less.
We have collectively become the opposite…
narcissistic and material driven.
The ground of our being is Love.

Over the ages, as humanity “evolved” …
Our true nature of being ‘self-less’ became harshed
by the competitive nature of our complex societies.
This creates a mental imbalance that deeply disturbs people,
They just can’t put their finger on what is wrong.
This mental struggle keeps people from True happiness
by always searching for material ‘happiness’.
This type of happiness…
Is just a short phase of ‘happy’
in between two phases of UN-happiness.
Most people are searching for the wrong type of ‘happy’.
Even after they get a divorce, find a new job, by that new car…
They are still…
Hopelessly UN-happy.
In a Spiritual sense,
the goal is to become ‘Self Realized’…
To truly understand who ‘we’ are.
Most people mis-identify ‘themselves’ to be their ego.
All the egoic characteristics that describe themselves
are just a story.
When one does take the earnest effort to at least
touch the deep end of this Path…
It becomes clear that ‘we’ are not our bodies, mind,
ego or the story the ego creates that ‘we’ believe to be
who we are.
Once enough of this ‘Self Realization’ becomes
experientially known…
It is clear that “we” are inseparable from all other beings…
We will naturally abide in an unperturbable equanimity…
Joy, Love, Bliss…
become the ground of our being that radiates unconditionally.
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