The teaching of the Buddha is very clear, effective, and simple to understand.
It opens up a path of living, not just for our personal benefit,
but for our whole species.
We have the power to decide the destiny of our planet.
Buddhism offers us the clearest expression of humanism
we have ever had.
It is our insights and our actions that will save us.
If we awaken to our true situation,
there will be collective change in our consciousness.
Then hope will be possible.
Rog Note:
It’s all about the Liberation of confusion, pain and suffering in this life…
Not putting that off to see if our wildest imaginations about
‘heaven’, heavenly bodies would come true
so then we can experience Liberation of confusion, pain and suffering
after we are already dead.
Sounds a wee bit too late for True Salvation.
Whatever the ‘experience‘ of existence after this life…
It will be ineffable.
As an un-Enlightened human in this ‘here & now’…
There is nothing that can be conceptualized or
a way to relate to about ‘what comes next’…
Even if an Enlightened Master somehow knows…
It will still remain ineffable to all other sentient unEnlightened beings…
Words could never explain it properly.
For those that still carry a driving ambition to find out what comes next…
It’ best to take the contemplation of ‘Self Enquiry’ to highest Fruition.
If our True Self is anything like the ‘Pure Awareness’ or ‘Pure consciousness’
that is described in countless traditions…
Then being fully Enlightened should have the effect when
passing the threshold of this life to the next as described by
Enlightened Master’s relating to their disciples during that Transcendence… that
“Nothing Changes.”
“Zenfully Quool Quotes”…
Currently featuring “The Art of Living”
By Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh
My aim is to present
a deeper, higher, wider, non-theological perspective
into common sense Spirituality
that most of us folks raised in the ‘west’ never get introduced to,
to fulfill life’s most intriguing questions…