Walk Quietly – by Trevor Hall I recorded this song on my sailboat anchored off Maui.
The photos are from our time spent sailing in and around Hanalei Bay Kauai.
Thích Nhất Hạnh is a Zen Buddhist from Viet Nam.
He spent a lifetime teaching the subtle aspects of ‘Walking Meditation’.
Christian Abbot Father Thomas Keating famously stated that:
“Silence is the language ‘God’ Speaks”…
So to abide in one’s Inner Silence,
one is likely to hear the wordless Wisdoms of ‘Divinity’ speak to one’s soul.

In the Tibetan Bon Buddhist tradition, they teach about the ‘3 doors’ of refuge.
By being very still…
this will open a door to one’s Inner Silence.
Abide there long enough and the 3rd door will open up to the Boundless Spaciousness
that is our True nature.
Here, one is aware of being … aware. They call it Rigpa.