“Zenfully Quool Quotes” By Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh.
When you produce a thought of hatred, anger, or despair,
it harms you, and it also harms the world.
None of us wants (our legacy) to be continued like that.
We all want to produce thoughts of
compassion, understanding, and love.
When you are able to produce a thought of
compassion and understanding,
it is healing and nourishing for yourself and the world.
Just as an acidic cloud produces acid rain,
so will the energy of anger, fear, blaming, or
discrimination produce a toxic environment for ourselves and others.

Use your time wisely.
Every moment it is possible to think, say, or do something
that inspires hope, forgiveness, and compassion.
You can do something to protect and help others
and our world.

Zenfully Quool Quotes Quommentary
by rog
I believe, in our ‘heart of hearts’…
Non of us really wants to roll though life with divisive
hatred, anger, or despair.
With all the divisiveness and rhetoric the church indoctrinates
their willfully ignorant followers along with
how the church demands their followers to
support and donate to the demagogue conservatives that then
pander to their misguided demands they say are “God’s will”…
when they all know it’s a made-up belief system…

They believe in ‘God’,
no one knows this particular projection of ‘God’
or even remotely can state or even guess what ‘God’s will’ is.
They claim the their projection of ‘God’ is the ‘all mighty & powerful’…
They constantly limit His ‘all mightiness’ with ego centric concepts
that He must have a ‘will’ and that only they know what that ‘will’ is…

So, history reveals how
they use that assumption as an excuse to
rape, torture, murder, disenfranchise, humiliate and confuse
anyone mentally vulnerable to buy into their rhetoric and dogmas.
And the demagogue politicians know this vulnerability
and they play right into the doctrines and dogmas
that the church indoctrinated their followers with.
The power of church and state has been a bane to humanity
ever since they invented and made up the whole misleading religion.
Now you have huge group of brain washed people that think
that since they believe in a made-up sky god,
that they are righteous, all loving, and pro-life…
can play their ‘god’ card by
insulting, demeaning, disenfranchising, often resorting to physical violence,
dividing the country with their biased hate rhetoric…
being cruel to those who don’t look just like them or may be gay,
or from some other place than their backwards town, state, …
and now drag our whole country down this despicable mess.
Since the majority of our population still fears ‘god’ and goes along with all this
divisive rhetoric and also fall in line with the demagogue conservatives…
We have nation of hate and cruelty based on the mentally vulnerable majority
that is willfully ignorant.
If the churches would preach what countless other
non-religious spiritual traditions teach…

We stopped allowing politicians to lie, cheat, and
manipulate the mentally vulnerable
with their continuation of the church’s mis guided divisiveness…
We’d have a society that had a reasonable chance
to improve the human condition.
It’s amazing though…

How very few if any extreme Christians and conservatives
can even comprehend this…
much less strive towards this truly divine goal.